Assassin’s Creed Origins – Overdesign Trophy – Kill poisoned 35+ enemy w/ a torch within 30 seconds.

Published on October 26, 2017 by PS4Trophies

Assassin’s Creed Origins Overdesign trophy and achievement guide. Kill a poisoned level 35+ enemy with the torch in less than 30 seconds.

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#PS4Trophies #Trophy #Walkthrough #Gameplay #LetsPlay

★ This Game includes the following trophies ★

Earn Them All! (Platinum)
Earn every trophy.

I’m a Legend (Bronze)
Be equipped with only Legendary equipment.

I’m Done Learning (Silver)
Activate a Master ability.

Overheating (Bronze)
Witness raining bugs in the desert.

For Those About to Die… (Silver)
Complete all arena events in the Krokodilopolis Arena.

Fatality! (Silver)
Finish an arena boss with an Overpower Attack.

Ben-Hur (Bronze)
Win the first Hippodrome tournament.

Road Rage (Bronze)
Destroy an opponent in a Hippodrome race.

The Harder They Fall (Silver)
Defeat the war elephants Qetesh & Resheph.

Slasher (Bronze)
Kill 3 enemies with one hit.

The Arrow Whisperer (Silver)
Kill an enemy with the predator bow from more than 60 meters while controlling the arrow.

Words of Wisdom (Bronze)
Complete all hermit locations.

Circle of Life (Bronze)
Feed a predator with a corpse.

Shadow of Egypt (Silver)
Kill 10 enemies in a row without being detected.

I Know My Land (Bronze)
Defog the whole map.

Raider of the Lost Tomb (Bronze)
Complete a tomb.

I Can See My House From Here! (Bronze)
Reach the “Top of the World” in the Black Desert territory.

Set-up Date (Bronze)
Bring a tamed lion to a crocodile.

Reporter (Bronze)
Take 1 photo in 5 different territories.

Overdesign (Bronze)
Kill a poisoned level 35+ enemy with the torch in less than 30 seconds.

Archer of the Month (Silver)
Headshot kill an enemy with the bow while in the air.

BOOM! (Bronze)
Kill 30 enemies by shooting a fire arrow at oil jars.

Rider’s Licence (Bronze)
Use all types of vehicle at least once.

Old Habits (Silver)
Complete all locations.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle (Bronze)
Sell 100 trinkets at once.

You still need 8880… (Bronze)
Reach level 20.

Stargazer (Silver)
Complete all 12 Stone Circles.

Master Diver (Silver)
Complete 15 underwater locations.

Defy Authority (Bronze)
Defeat a Phylakes.

Handy Man (Bronze)
Craft 20 items.

Roooaaarrrrr! (Bronze)
Tame a lion.

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