Finish your journey through the worlds of ARK in ‘Extinction’, where the story began and ends: on Earth itself! An Element-infested, ravaged planet filled with fantastical creatures both organic and technological, Earth holds both the secrets of the past and the keys to its salvation. As a veteran Survivor who has conquered all previous obstacles, the ultimate challenge awaits: can you defeat the gigantic roaming Titans which dominate the planet and complete the ARK cycle to save Earth’s future?
Available November 6th 2018. Visit for more information.
Copyright 2018 Studio Wildcard. All rights reserved.
Here goes ARK survival to oblivion
I love how the Dinosaur is just chill when that beast Roars in their face xD
Fix ark on ps4
Pull up server 402 official
Wow! This is nothing like the other DLC’s… I Can’t wait!
Looks like starhawk. Lol
Gumb and Day
Em português Acre: a extinção
Nov 6?
U serious
I can’t even go hunting without coming back to my base to find everything stolen and destroyed. How am I supposed to fight those things????
Ark Survival Evolved: No Mans Sky Edition
the fps must be wonderful Kappa
It look really nice but not like the end of Aberration.
Iam so wet.
The giga is BACK
Way to long but looks dope ASF. Can’t wait!
Hype is real
5 months
Fake 1080p/20fps… I’ll pass
I’m still stuck with sticks and stones… gonna be a while before I get there.
No man’s sky With dinossaurs
Fix your game before releasing new DLCs
“And now we have to run.”
Thought this game was already extinct?
Is this the last expansion? Or will this be a free update sorta like Rag