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Unleash your power as you suit up in one of four javelins and take on a world full of danger. Team up with friends to overcome the toughest challenges you can find.
Discover more: http://x.ea.com/32090.
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If only they used this combat system in Andromeda
Another AAA scam
Gamers: im not supporting EA ever again! -boots up Apex Legends-
Fallout “77” calling it now lads…
Nice, one more destiny 2 dlc,oh wait
Take all these hateful comments and go somewhere else. I don’t understand if you don’t like something why are you watching the media for it. No matter what you guys and gals say people will still buy it, it’s called thinking for yourself.
Launch trailer? But the date says 22 February, does a launch trailer indicate a game is releasing or has been released?
Nice edit!
Too bad. Looks cool. Everything is lies.
i dont need this trash EA
Ignorant toxic comments down below WARNING: they know nothing about the game, they are on the hate bandwagon and are idiots.
Sry E focking A, but the game does not look like this…I’m out!
Guess I’ll play apex legends then..
Just an positive comment passing by 🙂
I really liked the Demo it was really really fun, i can’t wait till the Game comes out 😀
Already forgot this soulles lifeless trash was coming this month
infinity war 3.0
Oh no not use of tobacco. Thank you for warning me esrb
Gona Flop……
I think this game is the last one for Bioware.
This had pottential but it’s EA so…
Can I inject 30 cc’s of that Crazy Train remix into my veins?
No thankyou! the trailer is awesome tho… but after mass effect andromeda i lost my trust in bioware.. and now its EA … even worse! APEX yes Anthem NO! (maybe when it will be on PS plus for free)
A crysis trilogy’s remastered trailer would’ve been better
I don’t like Bioware, but I’ll give this a chance.
I like Anthem better than Destiny personally. I plan to get this game at the end of the month.
Rated T for Trash
Stormbreaker is all me n and ranger lol
Wait 2 weeks after release and get it half price!
Another hit and miss!
I’m pretty sure the music was a Crazy Train remix. Edit: realizing that someone already commented about it but I’m not deleting this.
No white males lol
Maybe on Christmas deals for 15 bucks for the ultimate edition.
Rich men’s warframe
Trolls here. This game will be AMAIZING. Thank you BIOWARE. TY.
Lol this game is a lie
Gonna wait till it becomes a ps+ game
All these bad comments coming from unskilled Fortnite Players. That’s the reason they came all way together. Sad people. Ty BIOWARE. Hello Anthem!!!!!
I hope, EA will take some lessons at last and won’t mess this game too. Chances aren’t very high, but i’ll hope because I really liked that so-called “demo”, even with all tech problems.
Sorry wasn’t impressed with the demo. As cool as the concept sounds, their execution has resulted in a generic loot grind. Maybe it’ll be better in full release, but I doubt it.
Anthem is destiny.. is this warframe?? Oh it has microtransaction.. I will never forget what ea did.. where ever I go it’s the same comments.. if you are not interested in anthem.. what are u doing here?? I can’t get it this.. people just want to hate this game for no reason.. if you want to hate EA hate apex legends as well..
Cosmetic endgame HARD PASS
If only people don’t play this kind of games…
This game will flop hard
EA descansa en paz rip anthem
If destiny and titanfall had a baby
I don’t know why people are saying downgrade, mine looked fantastic! Probably console peasants thinking it’s gonna look the same as a pc! Come back when you can run a game max ultra, not 30 FPS
No thanks
Stop.. Stop right there !
Please wait for reviews and discount if you are desperate for this game
Beep beep, downgrade detected
Hey What’s up from Ireland Donal Conway here im watching u on my Ps4 pro Ps4 pro Ps4 PlayStation vr rules
The thumbnail skin is copied from fortnite but green and white
This game never had a hype train and that is a real shame. This could have been amazing. But it will stay a no for me. Not supporting EA any longer. I’ll stick to Apex Legends where I will not spent one single dollar on.
Aye Warframe 2 lookin gud
So many ppl comparing this game to destiny when it’s way more related to warfare in my opinion. Deadass can’t wait to play this bruhhhh
I am definitely not getting on this “crazy train.”
Now would be the perfect time for a new KILLZONE game of a KILZONE 2 redux. People are tired of COD, Battlefield, & Battle Royal. Killzones Warzone mode would be very refreshing. Guerrilla games, do you hear me?
I do pre-orders but not certain companies EA is one of the ones where I wait and see
I’ll just go play Warframe
your actions have consequences…
You mean anthem no launch trailer
destiny fortnite mass andromeda Titanfall Tony Stark in this game still I can’t press pre-order
this game promise more than give
Ready to get on this crazy train in less than 2 weeks.
Wait it launched?
Does this game have singleplayer?
Do we still have ANY idea what this game is about?! NOPE! I still can’t tell you what this game is about, who the villain is and what the story is. Show me all the gameplay you want, show me the graphics all you want but If I can’t get invested in the story then I have no reason to play.
Single player > Online multiplayer
This game is awful.
I’ll be too busy with RE 2, DMC V, Metro Exodus, Days Gone, and Sekiro to be sucked into your micro-transaction dumpster fire.
Dead Space?
This dont look like what it did in the demo i tell you what
This game died before it lunched.
Delicious music!
This is the Anthem of Bioware’s death.
How is there a launch trailer already?… There’s still 12 days until console launch.
It’s kinda sad that this game looks cool but there are no solos and it’s like $70.00. No thanks
Interceptors are tha best!
Warframe is free guys. Don’t fall for EA’s schemes yet again.
It’s Mass Effect Andromeda with new skins.
microtransactions here we go
All of you complaining know your going to get the game either way
*cough* *cough* the game doesnt look like this