On a world left unfinished by the gods, humanity struggles to survive in a savage environment. Equipped with incredible Javelin exosuits, a faction known as the Freelancers seeks to tip the balance in mankind’s favor.
Discover more: http://anthemgame.com.
Subscribe and be the first to see Anthem trailers and gameplay videos: http://bit.ly/2qZN5QV.
meo deos
Amazing <3
Anthem is probably the most surprising sci-fi game of the PS4 in 2019. Anthem looks like the combination of Halo and Tomb Raider.
looks cool… let’s wait and see how this will turn out.
Iron man flight sim
Boring Game
Lot of things can go wrong but if they hit it right then this game could be a classic
Welp ik what am I gonna do for my next vacation
Jews want to cross breed low IQ blacks with white Europeans, so they can more easily manipulate the masses
Iron Man simulator
Im so glad you used Muse for this trailer
will buy it 15000000%
It’s halo and destinys baby
So the scars are just fallen
This is what Andromeda was supposed to be. Still wanting a second one tho’.
I thought this was an Xbox exclusive guess not
Dream Game Openworld Halo& Destiny =❤
I though this was Xbox exclusive. This changes a lot
Looking forward to this
Muse – Uprising
Just Awesome .
Im very suspicious after destiny, pretty games can be very superficial.
Guys be cautions, it’s an _EA_ game
Ah I love Bioware, can’t wait to play Anthem
Falta gameplay cabrones
Shut up and take my money dammit!!
This game looks amazing. I don’t even care if it doesn’t have PvP, exploring the world and fighting the monsters is enough.
I just hope you can play it as a single player. Not a fan of full co-op.
I thought it was an xbox exclusive, lol.
Most hyped for game at E3
I can’t imagine the amount of pressure the developers are feeling now. All the fans with pitchforks ready to bash it if it fails while scumbag EA hanging over their shoulders ready to pull the trigger.
Hey What’s up from Ireland Sidney here im watching u on my ps4 pro ps4 pro ps4 PlayStation vr rules
nossa que jogao, eu tou esperando mesmo e o trailer do the last Of us parte 2
*insert unoriginal iron Man comment here*
Is this the Destiny of EA?