Valiant Hearts: The Great War Trophies, Guide and Historical Items

Valiant Hearts The Great War Trophy Guide


Alpha BRAIN For Gaming

There are 20 Trophies for Valiant Hearts: The Great War. 19 Bronze and 1 Silver (11 are secret trophies). The game is built using the absolutely stunning engine that brought us Child of Light as well as Rayman Legends. Valiant Hearts: The Great War is a puzzle game based on four characters and a dog. The game is beautifully done and a great experience with an amazing soundtrack. The guide is setup to get all the trophies in a single playthrough. 



  • Estimated trophy difficulty: 3/10
  • Offline trophies: 20
  • Online trophies:
  • Approximate amount of time to 100%: 5-8 Hours
  • Minimum number of playthroughs: 1
  • Number of missable trophies: 0 (Chapter Select)
  • Glitched trophies: None
  • Does difficulty affect trophies?: Not Applicable
  • Do trophies stack?: No
  • Do cheat codes disable trophies?: No Cheats


Step 1 – Play the game and get all collectibles – Simply play the game to its end. There are 4 chapters, consisting of a total of 34 level. To get 100% in this game in a single playthrough, you will need to get all collectibles and do 6 mission specific trophies. Anything that you missed during this step can be earned during a chapter select cleanup.

Things you need to do throughout the entire game

  1. Get all Collectibles. See They’ll all be remembered.
  2. Read 30 Historical items. See Knowledge is power.

Chapter specific trophies

  •  Taxi Racer – There are three Locations it can be done:
    • Danger from Above – Chapter 1 (Easiest One)
    • Taxi Cancan – Chapter 2
    • Fight of the Bumblebee – Chapter 3
  •  Ypres’ wake-up call – Ypres in Chapter 2 (4th mission)
  •  Helpful Laundryman – Prison Camp in Chapter 3 (1st mission)
  •  Brothers’ Keeper – The Somme in Chapter 3 (5th mission)
  •  King of the hill 145 – Vimy Ridge in Chapter 4 (2nd mission)
  •  Healing Hero – Saint Mihiel in Chapter 4 (5th mission)

Step 2 – Cleanup – If you missed any collectibles or a chapter specific trophy you can go to chapter select and replay anything. Collectibles immediately save so you can get one and quit out right away.


Valiant Hearts Trophy Forward, March PS4 Bronze Trophy
Raise the flag at the end of the basic training

Story Related, can’t be missed

Valiant Hearts Trophy A new friendship is born PS4 Bronze Trophy
Shoot the tractor before it crushes Emile

Story Related, can’t be missed

It's all fire and death now... It’s all fire and death now… PS4 Bronze Trophy
Witness the zeppelin crash

Story Related, can’t be missed

A glimmer of hope A glimmer of hope PS4 Bronze Trophy
Rescue Karl from underneath the zeppelin

Story Related, can’t be missed

valiant hearts trophy Cease-fire? PS4 Bronze Trophy
Finish the Douaumont Fort mission

Story Related, can’t be missed

Revenge never meant happiness Revenge never meant happiness PS4 Bronze Trophy
Defeat the Baron Von Dorf

Story Related, can’t be missed

Valiant Hearts Trophy  So close yet so far! PS4 Bronze Trophy
Escape the French army with Anna and Karl

Story Related, can’t be missed

Valiant Hearts trophy Some will survive… PS4 Bronze Trophy
Save Karl

Story Related, can’t be missed

Valiant Hearts trophy …Some will not silver trophy
Finish the game

Story Related, can’t be missed

valiant hearts trophy Ypres’ wake-up call PS4 Bronze Trophy
Ring the bell 3 times in Ypres

This is during the Ypres level in chapter 2. You will go to the top of a building where you need to drop a large bell through several floors. To do so, you’ll need to find the gears and one of the gears is on top of the building. To get the gear, you need to hit the bell to shake it down. Hit the bell 3 times and you will earn this trophy.

Valiant Hearts Trophy Helpful Laundryman PS4 Bronze Trophy
Push all the laundry bags

This during the first mission of Chapter 3, Prison Camp. There is a laundry room at the left end of the street you start on. When you enter the building, there are 3 bags of laundry on ledges above you. You need to move the cart underneath each one and they guy on top will push the laundry onto the cart below it. Before you can initiate the sequence, you will need to get the soldier medicine. You get that by giving the guy suspenders (he’s located through the second floor door in the building with the cook (building just to the right). You get the suspenders from solving the water puzzle in the bath house on the back street.

Valiant Hearts Trophy Brothers’ Keeper PS4 Bronze Trophy
Save your entire platoon during the battle of Somme

This is during The Somme during chapter 3. You will jump into a tank at the beginning and your platoon will be running along side it using the tank as cover. You want to shoot the airplanes that fly above. They won’t always kill one of the members of your platoon, but they can. Once you have made it to the halfway point, you will need to jump down into a cave where a soldier will light a fuse. You must run up to the fuse and put it out with the X button. If you don’t, it’ll will set off the explosive and kill everyone.

Once you have put out the fuse, continue forward and you’ll need to use a grenade and throw it into the bunker above you. At this point, you will get back into your tank and you’ll need to continue destroying planes and bunkers where people are shooting at you. The trophy will pop at the end of the chapter, right before your one on one battle.

Valiant Hearts Trophy King of the hill 145 PS4 Bronze Trophy
Shoot the German flag with the cannon at Vimy’s ridge

During the Vimy Ridge mission in chapter 4, you will come to a section where you need to blow up two guns with your artillery. The guns will be on the left and right of a building with a flag flying above it. On your end, you need to use your cannon to hit the flag. Nearby is a wheel that you can turn to aim the cannon, however, if you don’t make any adjustments to it at all and just fire the cannon, you will hit the flag and get the trophy.

Valiant hearts trophy Healing HeroPS4 Bronze Trophy
Save Karl for the third time without making any mistakes

This is during the Saint Mihiel mission in Chapter 4. You can’t make a mistake during any of the attempts throughout the entire level, but only the final one is the most difficult. After being unsuccessful in your second attempt, you will need to get the medical box from the basement. Once you bring it back to him, you can save him for the third time. The sequence will start with a few quick time events before you start the standard heartbeat quicktime events we’ve done the whole game.

There will be three sets of quicktime events for the final healing of the level. The third section of this one is without question the most difficult one. You will need to be quick and some memorization won’t hurt. Try to focus your attention on the button prompt and use your peripheral version to judge the timing of the button presses. If you make a mistake, just let Karl bleed out and you will restart the sequence from the first set of quick time events without being locked out of this trophy, however, if you fail one of the final quick time event buttons near the end and save Karl anyways and you’ll have to restart the chapter. Thankfully, you can reach this section in just a few minutes.

Remember – you can’t make any mistakes at any point during the entire mission, including the beginning when you pull him out of the rumble. If you make a mistake on the first one but then go to the hospital and don’t make any other mistakes, just replay the mission up until that first time you heal during the mission and the trophy will pop then.

Here are  the sequences for the final attempt in the hospital after you get the medicine from the basement:

First One
 –   –  —  –   –  —  –  –  —  –   – (+)

Second One
 —  — 

Third One
 –  –  —  –  –  —  –  –  —  –  –  —  –  –  —  –  –  —  –  —–  –  – (+)

Good doggy Good doggyPS4 Bronze Trophy
Pet the dog.

Easiest trophy in the game. Walk up to the dog and press square.

Valiant Hearts Trophy Taxi Racer PS4 Bronze Trophy
Complete 1 taxi mission without damaging the car

Taxi missions are when you are driving in your car and you’re being bombarded by gunfire and bombs. There is one taxi mission in each of the first three chapters. Chapter 1 has a fairly easy mission called “Danger from above” Just remember, while there’s only two lanes, you can drive on the shoulder of the road on both sides. Just keep an eye on the ground for bomb shadows. The bigger and darker those are, the sooner they will hit the road and you don’t want to be under them when they do.

Never forgetNever forget PS4 Bronze Trophy
Find 5 historical items

See They’ll all be remembered.

valiant hearts collectible historical items To those who fell PS4 Bronze Trophy
find 50 historical items

See They’ll all be remembered.

Valiant Hearts Historical item collectibles They’ll all be remembered PS4 Bronze Trophy
Find every single historical item

There are 119 historical items. Historical items are different from historical facts because they need to be physically picked up, whereas historical facts are automatically acquired. Many of these will be well hidden. Follow the guide below for locations of all of them (work in progress).

Chapter 1 – 35 Collectibles

  1. Casern – 5
  2. Marne Battle – 6
  3. Neuve-Chapelle – 6
  4. Ypres – 6
  5. Danger from Above – No Collectibles
  6. Neuville Saint Vaast – 6
  7. Reims – 6

Chapter 2 – 34 Collectibles

  1. Paris – 4
  2. Taxi Cancan- No Collectibles
  3. Marne – 6
  4. Ypres – 6
  5. Crash Site – 6
  6. Verdun – 6
  7. Douaumont Fort – 6

Chapter 3 – 28 Collectibles

  1. Prison Camp – 5
  2. Douaumont – 4
  3. Vauquois’ Mine – 6
  4. Reims Forest – 5
  5. The Somme – 3
  6. Vaubecourt -5
  7. Fight of the bumblebee – No Collectibles

Chapter 4 – 22 Collectibles

  1. Occupied Casern – 5
  2. Vimy Ridge – 3
  3. The Farm – 4
  4. Chemin des Dames – 6
  5. Saint Mihiel – 4
  6. Maizy – No Collectibles

valiant hearts historical facts trophy Knowledge is power PS4 Bronze Trophy
Read 30 historical facts

Throughout the game you are presented with the option to read about an historical fact. You hit options and you can read all the ones you have earned on whichever chapter you are on. You only have to read about 30 of them. At any time, on any chapter, hit the options (start) button and select Historical Facts. You don’t have to fully read them, just make sure they are marked as read. You’ll have enough facts to read  in Ypres during Chapter 2. You can read them all from the chapter select menu. Just select a chapter and level and hit triangle for collectibles and tab to the historical facts.



  • Matthias Schröder 11 years ago

    nice Lets Play for Items,

    when will Chapter 2?

  • Francesca 10 years ago

    Can you not receive the Healing Hero Trophy anymore when you replay the scenes? I have successfully saved Karl a few times now and I never get the trophy 🙁


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