- Estimated trophy difficulty: 2/10
- Offline trophies: 19 (4
, 5
, 9
, 1
- Online trophies: 0
- Approximate amount of time to platinum: 15 Hours
- Minimum number of playthroughs: 1 1/2
- Number of missable trophies: None
- Glitched trophies: None
- Does difficulty affect trophies?: No Difficulty Option
Until Dawn is a story driven game where choices you make will have a profound impact on the story. You will play and switch between 8 different teenagers and their fate is in your hands. Technically there are no trophies that will require you to start a new game if you miss any, but you will need to use episode select and play through multiple episodes to get them. I highly recommend you play through once without the use of a guide and enjoy the story based on choices you make. Trophies in this game won’t immediately pop. They will once the current episode is over.
Step 1 – Complete game with all characters alive AND find all collectibles – There are several choices that can result in a characters deaths. Some of those choices will result in immediate death and some will result in a death in a later episode. See They All Live for additional information about how to keep everyone alive.
The game has 4 different types of collectibles with a total of 107. There are also 2 additional Mystery Man collectibles as part of the bonus DLC that aren’t required for trophies. There are also three actions that must be taken to allow you access to future areas with collectibles.
- You must not shoot the squirrel in episode 1
- You must successful run and hide from the psycho in episode 5
- You must Hide from the Stranger with Emily at the end of episode 7
The Collectible Trophies:
You Opened Their Eyes
The Fateful Descent
The Tale of Two Sisters
Night of the Totem Hunter
The game also has 9 decision based trophies. DO NOT attempt Fatal Grudge, Ashley Snaps, The Exorcism of Emily and You Let The Wrong One In while going for the saved all endings. Those will result in someone’s death. During this step you want to go for the following:
Decision Based Trophies You Can Do
Scream Too! episode 5
The Skillful Wolf Man episode 5 and 9
The Psycho Path – episode 5
Let Em In – episode 8
Step 2 – Starting from episode 6, kill everyone. – After completing the game you will have an option to replay episodes. If you start at episode 6 and continue from there, you will be able to kill everyone. See This Is THE End for a detailed list on when and where to kill the characters. Don’t worry about collectibles. Even though they will all still be there if you look in the menu, character interactions will change if you don’t pick one up when using episode select and avoiding them. The one you must avoid is the Journal (The Twins #20) in episode 10 by the mill.
There are 4 decision based trophies that will lead to someone’s death. Make sure you don’t kill a character prior to getting each of these
Decision Based Trophies
Fatal Grudge episode 6 and 8
Ashley Snaps episode 6 and 8
The Exorcism of Emily episode 8
You Let The Wrong One In episode 9
Step 3 – Instant Inferno – This is one single decision based trophy that can’t be executed if you want to save everyone or kill everyone so this one is left on it’s own. You can get this quickly by closing the application once you get an ending trophy and resuming the game or by just replaying episode 10.
A Symphony of Horror Trophies
You collected all Gold, Silver and Bronze trophies in Until Dawn
Four Daughters Of Darkness
All of the girls survived until dawn
The girls are Sam, Emily, Jessica and Ashley. See They All Live for more information on how to keep these girls alive.
Don’t Scare Jessica To Death
Jessica survived her night of terror
You’ll get this if Jessica is alive at the end. See They All Live for more information on how to keep Jessica alive.
The Quicker Man
All the boys escaped death
The boys are Mike, Matt, Chris and Josh. See They All Live for more information on how to keep these guys alive.
They All Live
All eight friends survived until dawn
There are many points within the game where a decision will lead to a characters death. There are also moments where you think a character will die but ultimately doesn’t. The moments in the game where you will think someone will die but won’t are:
- At the saw trap with Chris where you must choose between killing Ashley or Josh
- Jessica when she gets dragged through the window
- Jessica falling down an elevator shaft (as long as she was alive at the time of fall)
- Emily doesn’t die at the radio tower
- When Chris has to choose who to shoot
You can prevent actual deaths of characters at these points:
Episode 4
Episode 6
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
This Is THE End
Nobody survived until dawn
If you look at the list of places characters can die in They All Live, then you can simply do the opposite, however, there are certain deaths the result in a trophy so just don’t kill everyone the first chance you get. You also want to make sure you did a collectible run while making sure everyone survives since killing them may lock you out of couple. You also need to make sure you do NOT pick up The Twins Journal #20 collectible.
If you already completed the game and saved everyone, then you can, through episode select, start at episode 6. Here’s how to successfully kill them starting off there:
Episode 6
- Matt
- At the beginning when surrounded by caribou, attack the animal and fail the QTE when hanging from the ledge
- Chris – Chris will die later
- Choose to shoot Ashley (
Fatal Grudge)
- Choose to shoot Ashley (
Episode 8
- Emily
- Fail QTE’s BUT….continue to end and get bitten then kill her in basement
- If Emily is bitten, shoot her with Mike (
The Exorcism of Emily)
- Chris
- Fail to shoot all the Wendigo’s on your run back to the lodge — BUT you want the next method for a trophy
- Once you reach the lodge, if Chris chose to shoot Ashley in episode 6, he’ll die here. (
Ashley Snaps)
Episode 9
- Ashley
- If you investigate the noise, you will come to a trap door. Open it to die. (
You Let The Wrong One In!)
- If you investigate the noise, you will come to a trap door. Open it to die. (
Episode 10
- Josh
- His fate is determined based on you picking up the Journal with Sam by the mill. DO NOT pick up the journal and Josh will die
- Jessica
- You’ll have an option to run or hide when you’re with Jessica and Matt. Select run and you’ll die.
- Sam
- This time when you get to the lodge it’ll just be Sam and Mike. Kill Sam by failing to remain still
- Mike
- If Mike is the last one standing, he’ll sacrifice himself.
The Tale of The Two Sisters
The group found all the clues from the Twins Clueline
See Night of the Totem Hunter.
The Fateful Descent
The group found all the clues from the 1952 Clueline
See Night of the Totem Hunter.
You Opened Their Eyes
The group found all the clues from the Mystery Man Clueline
See Night of the Totem Hunter.
Night of the Totem Hunter
The group found all the totems on the mountain
There are 107 collectibles in the game spread across 4 different types.
- Totems (30)
- The Twins (20)
- 1952 (27)
- The Mystery Man (30 – there’s 2 additional if you have the bonus DLC but they don’t count)
You will need to pick up the collectibles with and in many cases you will need to rotate the object around. Beware that some require you to scroll through pages and will count as multiple collectibles for each one. If you miss any of these during your playthrough you can go back in episode select and get them again. They do not carry over if you decide to instead start a new game from the beginning.
I recommend getting each of the collectibles during your no death playthrough as finding them will save Josh (kinda) and you need either Jessica or Matt alive in episode 10. As mentioned in the roadmap, you must complete a few very specific actions or you will be locked out of collectibles later in the game. These moments are:
- You must not shoot the squirrel in episode 1
- You must successful run and hide from the psycho in episode 5
- You must Hide from the Stranger with Emily at the end of episode 7
The first two are both linked to final 6 Mystery Man collectibles you find at the beginning of Episode 7.
EPISODE 1 (plus prologue)

Ashley snapped and let Chris dieDo not attempt this trophy if you’re going for They All Live.This is the direct fallout of the events that led to the Fatal Grudge trophy. In episode 6, choosing to shoot Ashley will automatically cause her to let Chris die in episode 8 when he is running back to the lodge. She will not open the door to let him in and this will cause Chris to die.
Let eM In
Mike allowed Emily to stay in the basement

Mike kept the wolf alive throughout the Sanatorium
This starts off in episode 5 and concludes in episode 9. When you finally reach the chapel in the sanatorium you will be greeted with a wolf. There will be a timed QTE to kick the wolf. Instead, do nothing and then approach the wolf.
Later in the game when you return to the Sanatorium with Mike you will come across your new pet once again. To keep the wolf alive you will need to complete the QTE’s throughout this section. Failing some of these will result in the Wolf coming to your rescue but causing itself to die. The final thing you’ll need to do is barricade the door. You will enter a room and have the option to barricade the door or to run. Make sure you barricade the door and this trophy will be yours when the episode ends.

Mike cut off his fingers to free himself from the bear trap
The Psycho Path
Sam or Ashley attacked the psycho with a weapon
This is a fairly easy trophy. There are two points in the game you can attack the psycho path. The first will be as Sam (in the towel) in episode 5 when she runs from the psycho. The first option you’ll have is to run or throw a vase. Throwing the vase will meet the requirements of the trophy. Additionally, once in the basement you can hide and depending on if you did or didn’t interact with the baseball bat earlier in the game, you will have to option to hit him with it.
Ashley can attack the psycho herself once she encounters him if you found the scissors in the room right after the doll house section in episode 6.

Sam immediately flicked the switch to set the lodge ablaze

Ashley or Chris opened the trap door and let the monster inDo not attempt this trophy if you’re going for They All Live.
The Exorcism of Emily
Mike shot EmilyDo not attempt this trophy if you’re going for They All Live.
Fatal Grudge
Chris chose to shoot Ashley
Do not attempt this trophy if you’re going for They All Live.