PS4 Trophies Last of us Remastered Collectible Guide

The Last of Us Remastered Collectibles – Artifacts, Pendants, Training Manuals, Comic Books, Jokes, Optional Conversations & Shiv Doors

PS4 Trophies Last of us Remastered Collectible Guide

Playing on Grounded Difficulty? I have a complete full game walkthrough available. Check out this Playlist on YouTube

Watch me stream this, and other games on Twitch



Important Info – The Last of Us Collectibles only carry over in NG+ so if you start a new game (other than New Game +), you’ll have to recollect them. Chapter select will work however. If you plan on playing through once without a guide, I do highly recommend at least getting the shiv doors on an easier run as materials for shivs are rare on survivor. There are two ways to check on collectible progress. It’s important to understand the difference between them.

  1. From the main menu – From here, you can select Bonus and then collectibles. This will show you all the collectibles (by type) collected from your current save file. This is where you want to track which ones you have. It shows you how many you have collected out of 141.
  2. By hitting while in game – When you do this, you can hit twice to access the collectibles. This menu shows you which ones you have collected during your current playthrough

Best way to play – The easiest and quickest path to getting all of these will be to get all of them on your first playthrough. The most enjoyable way would be to get all the collectibles on your second playthrough and enjoy the first journey through this beautiful game. I do highly recommend opening all shiv doors and doing the Ellie jokes on your easier playthrough as you will find yourself short of supplies on Survivor and having to unnecessarily clear a large area for the jokes on the higher difficulty. If you decide to do those two, skip the main collectible guide and jump to the specific section in this guide showing you just those two. Keep in mind of that if you do the full collection on Survivor, that some collectibles are behind shiv doors. Make damn sure you at least a have a shiv for those doors. Collectibles don’t automatically save until you reach the next checkpoint. The game doesn’t tell you when you’ve reached a checkpoint, so play on until you get to an obvious new section. Keep this in mind in case you die after getting a collectible and didn’t reach the next checkpoint, or if you use chapter select. About this guide – This guide is long so each section is broken into a seperate page.  The videos and text walkthroughs are separated by chapter. Chapter 1, or the Prologue has no collectibles. The chapter specific video guides only contain Artifacts, Firefly Pendants, Training Manuals and Comic Books, but there are in-video annotations of conversations, jokes and tool kits that link to those locations. To view videos of just the Shiv Doors, Optional Conversations and Tool Kit locations you can select the appropriate link. Also, in the main text guide for each chapter there will be a play button that will allow you to instantly see any collectible location. Please use them if there’s any question about a location. *Glitches* – This game experiences some tracking glitches where you will not be awarded a trophy even if the statistics or collectible screen shows you having earned everything. There is no sure fire way to fix it. Try to stick with a single save file on your first playthrough. There are also issues with the game keeping track of the conversations and its leaving people with 36/37. After each conversation, check your statistics screen in the pause menu. If it didn’t count it, try reloading your checkpoint.

Select a Chapter/Guide





  • Javier Gutierrez Burgos 10 years ago

    Hi!! I love yor work, its amazing. One suggestion: In each chapter page you have a link to watch the conversations video, i think the link should take you to the exact time of the conversation in the video, not the beginning. Its a little bit tedious to find the conversation you are looking for. Thats all, keep up the great work.

  • evilfangs . 10 years ago

    I’m about to start my new game+ and I know I missed at least one shiv door with a training manual behind, and on my chapter select it say’s I have all collectibles apart from the missing training manual, but when I’m on the main menu > collectibles It say’s I have found 139 of 141, what’s up with that?

    Oh also on the statistics page on the main menu It say’s Locked doors opened 10? So some how I’m missing three shiv doors ( one I know about ), but I’m 100% sure I went into every shiv door.

    • ipot_04 10 years ago

      Just use Chapter Select and open the doors you missed.

      • evilfangs . 10 years ago

        I can’t because I don’t know which doors and conversations I’ve missed and which ones didn’t save correctly.

        For example, I’m now doing my survivor + game play and the shiv door and conversation in the museum apparently didn’t work like time and this time I did it counted towards unlocking shiv door counter and conversation counter.

  • Abdullah 6 years ago

    Can you leave a list like in the bonus menu as i am missing just one


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