- Notes (31) – These are collected by using your camcorder to record something. To record with your camcorder, you just need to hit
to bring it out. If you’re holding your camcorder, it is recording. Remember, as long as you don’t have night vision on, your battery won’t drain. You’ll know when you’re recording a note when you hear Miles writing on a notepad and you’ll see the camcorder icon in the bottom right corner of your screen blinking. Hit
to bring up your list of collected notes.
- Documents (31) – Documents are your traditional collectible. These are picked up around the environment. These look are flashing blue folders with the word “confidential” written on the front of them. Hit
to bring up your list of collected documents
To make sure you’re not missing any, here is the complete list of collectibles which you can cross reference with your list by hitting and
. It’s possible that you collect them in a slightly different order if you’re not following this guide. Note – Screenshot is spliced together, they are individually displayed in game.

Individual Chapter Video Guides
Chapter 1 – Administration Block
Chapter 2 – Prison Block
Chapter 3 – Sewers
Chapter 4 – Male Ward
Chapter 5 – Courtyard
Chapter 6 – Female Ward
Chapter 7 – Return to the Administration Block
Chapter 8 – Underground Lab

Document – Whistleblower – In the car (story related, can’t be missed).
Note – Mount Massive Asylum – After getting out of the car and opening a gate, you will be prompted to take out your camcorder with and this note will accompany it.
Document – Project Walrider Patient Status for William Hope– After squeezing through the first gap once you’ve entered the asylum, it’ll be in the second room to the left; room A 214.
Note – I’m Inside – After traveling through the ceiling vent, you will reach the library. Record the guy impaled in the corner of the room who will talk to you.
Document – Warrant For Seizure – After being pushed through the glass window and a short cut scene, you will find the document in front of a dead guard behind the reception desk right in front of you when you get up.
Document – Project Walrider Patient Status report for Chris Walker – This is in the file storage room A 111. You can get here by taking the room to the left of reception and the file room is on the opposite side of the room.
Note – Broken Men And Dead Television – Continue out of the file room and take the hallway left to the end and there will be a room with three guys watching a static screen TV. Record them watching TV.
Note – The Witness – Take the hallway to the right of the basement stairs and this will be in the middle stall of the bathroom on the left side of the hall going to the security room. Record the guy on the crapper.
Document – Project Walrider Profitability Report – This is in room A 126. It’s the room to the left, just past of the security room. This will be sitting on the desk in the back corner.
Note – Big Fucking Guy – After going into the security room, you will hunted by Chris Walker, a very large guy. You are prompted to hide in the locker in the room. While in there, record him once he’s in the room.
Document – MKULTRA CIA Hypnotic Homicide – After going into the gap opening at the bottom of the basement stairs, squeeze into the next room and find this on the desk just to the right.

Note – Father Martin’s Cell – After getting knocked out and waking up in a cell, film the words on the cell walls before leaving the cell.
Note – Necromatic – After exiting the lower level of cells through a crack in the back of a cell wall, you will climb up a box and to a higher ledge where you will be greeted by two people. Film the guy in the back doing aextremely inappropriate thing to a corpse.
Document – Father Martin, Finger Painter – After the first section in the prison, you will take a couple flights of stairs and see someone painting words and saying “Down the Drain.” Just down the hall to the left of him will be the document in the darkness.
Document – Purge Gate Maintenance Memo – After jumping out to a ledge and strafing over to the right while hanging from the ledge, you will climb up and instead of heading right and following the blood arrows on the wall, go left and jump into a window of an office and this will be in the right side of the room on a console.
Note – Total Security – While heading down a path for the keycard to the showers, you will come back to a prison cell area and you will see Chris Walker (Big Fucking Guy) ripping the head off someone on the level below you. Walk into this area with your camcorder already equipped to catch the action.
Document – Dr Wernicke Death Certificate – Once you arrive to the showers, you will travel along and eventually you’ll need to climb outside and strafe to an open window further down. Jump back in and make your way until you open a door to a lighted hallway with a mop and bucket in front of you. Instead of continuing forward, immediately turn right and enter through a door and into a room to the left. The document will be sitting on a desk to the right side of this torture room.
Document – Dr Wernicke Obituary – During your alternate path through the showers, you will come to a three level cell block. On the second level, you will strafe across a ledge with your back to the wall and then need to jump across a gap. In the first cell to your left there will be a document on a night stand. The cell has writing on the walls, most notably the word “Witness” in big blood letters. Grab this before taking the nearby stairs to the third level.
Note – Walrider – After making your way to the top of the three level cell block, you will find a cell that you need to drop through the floor to reach the next area. The path will take you into a room with the word Walrider written all over the place. With your camcorder, just film it.

Document – The Gospel of Sand – This will be in the sewers. You will travel down a few tunnels and then crawl through a smaller tunnel hole. Before squeezing through a tight passage into the next area, continue forward. You will eventually come across this under a lighted section of the tunnel with a broken red ladder next to it. If you reached the section where you need to drain the sewers, you’ve gone to far.
Note – The Doctor is Dead – After draining the sewers, you will take a ladder down to a lower area and then take another ladder back up. After climbing up that ladder, you will travel down some more sewers and come to a door on your left with someone inside of it. Just film his little speech for this note. This is right before you drop down through a hole to the “River of Blood.”
Document – Still Bleeding – When you get to the flooded area where you are wading through water, you will need to find a tunnel with a small hole in the fencing at the bottom that you can crawl through to reach the next area. Right before this tunnel, there will be a catwalk that you can climb up to. You will know it when something drops from the ceiling and into the water in front of you in a scare attempt. Climb up this catwalk and take it to a door where you can enter this side room and find the document on the floor.
Note – A Feast For Flies – Once you reach the male ward, but before taking the staircase up into it, continue forward past it and there will be a door on the left you can record through the window a pile of dead bodies.

Note – Organized Torture – This is near the beginning of the Male Ward. You will move a object blocking the path and you will then go to a room with a guy strapped to a chair. Exit this room and turn left and enter the door on the left hidden in the darkness. On the left side of the wall will be some writing that you will need to film. It says “Finger First, Then Balls, Then Tongue.”
Document – Project Walrider Cost Report – You’ll eventually make your way to a medical bay. Before climbing up into a ceiling vent, there will be a document folder in the far back right corner.
Note- Dr. Rick Trager – After escaping your captivity where you got tortured by the doctor, you will come out to a locked room where you must wait for the doctor to come in and open the doors. In this room will be one of his other patients. To get this documented note, just hide under one of the beds near the patient and wait for the doctor to come in and kill the patient. Make sure to record it.
Document – Request for Reassignment – During the section with the Doctor, you will go through a ceiling vent and eventually a second one. After dropping out of the second one there will be a bathroom right in front of you. This document will be in the stall on the right on a cart.
Note – Death of Trager – After Trager’s tragic accident in the elevator, climb out and film the bottom half of him that is sticking out from the elevator. Edit – Dipsy informs me that you can film this before climbing out of the elevator. Credit him also for taking the image with the PS4 Share button.
Document – Persecutorial Delusions – After being told to meet Father Martin outside, you will enter a locker room. In the back of the room just past the body lying on the ground is the document.
Note – Let It Burn – On your way outside, you will come to a burning cafeteria. In this room will be the guy who set the fire. Just film his speech and once it’s over you will have the note. At this point, you will earn EDUCATED as long as you haven’t missed any collectibles.
Document – Psychopathological Proximity Stress Disorder Pamphlet – You’ll exit the burning cafeteria and turn left down a hallway. You will come to blocked hallway that you can squeeze through to head to the sprinkler area. Instead of doing that, take the dark hallway just to the right of that and take around to a back office where this doc will be sitting on a desktop in the corner.
Note – Fingers – After turning on the sprinklers and putting out the fire, make your way through the cafeteria and into the kitchen. There is a small room in the kitchen that you can enter with a bowl of fingers on the counter you need to film.

Document – MKULTRA Program Excerpt – Right before exiting the building to the courtyard, there is a office to the right with a document on the desk.
Document – Our Own Personal Calvary – Immediately outside, you will see a fountain directly in front of you. Continue past it and veer slightly left and you will see a lamppost light as you approach. There will be a set of stairs going up and at the top of the first flight on the ground will be this document.
Note – The Thing in the Dark – After getting a key from the shed you will use it to open the maintenance shed door. Once you’ve entered, you will take a right and open another door and if you have your camcorder out, you will record the Walrider (pictured above ) coming at you. Don’t panic, he won’t kill you so just make sure to record this.
Note – Don’t Drink the Water – After your encounter with Walker outside in the dark where you climb through the small hole, you will come upon a fountain full of blood. Record this before climbing into the Female Ward to get the note.

Note – The Sound in the Machine – When you enter the laundry room, there will be a machine spinning and making a knocking noise. Walk up to it and film what’s inside.
Document – Walrider and Nightmares – After making your way through the laundry room, you will reach a long hallway. Go to the right (left being the story direction) and take it all the way to the end to a set of stairs. The document will be behind the stairs next to some white boxes.
Note – No Safe Place – After making your way to the large lit room with the wheel chair in the center you will see the elevator stuck between the 1st floor and the basement. Look through the gate and into the darkened elevator and there will be a body lying inside. Take this opportunity to record it for the note. It might not immediately give you the note so make sure you actually record the note before moving on.
Document – Project Paperclip Except – In the same room with the previous note with the wheel chair in the center, take the stairs down to a dark room and this will be near the a guy creeping out in the corner.
Document – You Promised Me a Rose Garden – This is after you get the key and you make your way to the third floor and you’re asked to follow the blood. You will need to jump over a gap into a room where the floor will break out from you. If it does, use the beds to get back up to the 3rd floor. In the next room, there will be a bunk in the back left corner with the document sitting on top of it.
Notes – Lies – After leaving the room with the previous document, take a right. Take that down to the end and turn left. The first room on the right will have the word “LIES” written in blood with a bunch of lit candles around the room. Film this room.

Document – Billy’s Dreams – Much further along you will encounter Walker who will be knocking down doors looking for you. You’ll need to hop into a ceiling vent and instead of traveling to where you see the corpse blocking the path in front of you, take a right turn and drop down into another office where this document is on a desk.
Document – The Spirit Breach – After exiting the ducts, you will drop back down near the beginning of the game where you will then need to find the Recreation Hall. Before moving on, there will be a library door behind you that you can enter and you will find this on a desk.
Note – The Wernicke Exit Interview – You will come across a theater where a movie will start playing. Make sure you have your camera out and watch the movie. The entire thing is a couple minutes long.
Document – Necrotizing Fasciiitis – Near the back exit of the theater there is an office just to the left. Enter this and take another door out of this room and head straight back to another room where this document will be sitting in a box.
Note – Static Prayer – You will leave the theater and head up to the third floor. You’ll then go through a kitchen and enter a room with a lot of chairs and a guy standing on the opposite side. Tke the door on the left to a hallway. Down this hallway will be a room with a pool table and a guy praying in front of a TV. Film this guy.
Document – The Gospel of Judas – This document is in room B 329 of the third floor in the area with all the praying people. This is past the room with the open window you need to climb through so make sure you don’t go through that first.
Note – The Passion of Father Martin – When you make it to the chapel and grab the elevator key, you will see Father Martin on a cross. Film the entire duration of the scripted event.

Note – Under the Mountain – Using your camcorder, record the first room you enter in the Underground Lab and before leaving this room, look for the next document.
Document – The Pride of Wisdom – This is on the desk in the first room of the research lab.
Document – Variant Postmortem – After leaving the first room you will travel down a tunnel. You will approach some rooms and in the center of the second room on the left will be this doc.
Note – Morpogenic Formula – In the next hallway you enter, take the first set of doors to your right and it will lead you to a room with mathematical formula’s written on a dry erase board. Film this for the note. You must get this before setting off the alarm as the door will permanently be locked once you set it off. As long as you enter this room the first time you happen upon it, you have nothing to worry about.
Note – Death of the Soldier – You will trigger an alarm and need to run back the way you came. There will be a cut scene and you will film the events that unfold. This is story related.
Document – Gods and Monsters – This, and the next five collectibles will come back to back within a few minutes of gameplay. After being chased by the Walrider up some stairs and then through a decontamination station, you will come to a room with a dead body slumped over a desk. Underneath his right hand is a document folder.
Note – Wernicke’s Machine – This is in the next area from the previous document. You will enter a large room with a large spherical machine. Just capture this on your camera.
Note – Billy’s Hope – Billy will be strung up at the base of the machine. Capture him on film and then just to the right of him will be the next document
Document – Morphogenic Engine Chamber Precautions – A few steps to the right of Billy in the machine room.
Note – Life Support – This is in the Fluid Life Support Room. When you enter, take out your camera and just record the room.
Document – The Modern Prometheus – This is on an office desk up on the second level of the Fluid Life Support Room. Make sure you grab this before turning the valve.
Document – Permission To Proceed – You will need to travel quickly from the Fluid Life Support Room back down to the machine and up the stairs opposite to reach the electrical panel. This is in the area where you pull the electric just after the decontamination chamber. It’ll be on the first console you come to.
Note – Death of Hope – After everything that happens with Billy’s Life Support Pod, You will be given the objective “Get Out”. Before leaving, film the pod. You will have now earned PULITZER – Congratulations.