The Last of Us Collectibles – All Shiv Door Locations

#1 (The Outskirts, Downtown)– After getting ambused by your first clicker, there is a shiv door on this floor

 #2 (The Outskirts, Museum)– Second area of the museum, after getting split up from the others. This will be in the café

 #3 (Bill’s Town, The Woods)– You will come up to an area with a couple clickers around with a building in the middle. Just left of this building as you approach it will be the door.

 #4 (Bill’s Town, The Woods)– This is located behind the record store

 #5 (Pittsburgh, Alone and Forsaken)– Second floor of the book store, back right corner to the right of the café.

 #6 (Pittsburgh, Alone and Forsaken)– After escaping the book store via the back staircase on the second floor, you will come to a an open area where you will enter the hotel. You’ll see a yellow bridge in the far distance. When you enter this area, there is a brief cut scene where you see some enemies removing a plank. You will be hiding behind a yellow cab. Once you gain control, look immediately to your left for a door with a red X on it.

 #7 (Pittsburgh, Financial District)– In the backroom of the Credit Union building

 #8 (Pittsburgh, Escape the City)– In the area where you meet Henry and Sam. You’ll go down a flight of stairs and this door will be right in front of you before heading down the next flight

 #9 (Tommy’s Dam, Hydroelectric Dam)– At the powerplant, there will be a door you need to shiv open right where you turn the wheel. Hard to miss

 #10 (The University, Science Building)– This is in the building that you access by using a dumpster to open a gate, and again to climb up onto a truck. This is in the back.

 #11 (Lakeside Resort, Cabin Resort)– Once you gain control of Joel in the blizzard, you’ll start near a gas station. Directly across the street is residence you can enter. Climb out of a bathroom window and a door that can be shived open will be just to your left. You can just walk around the building itself and you’ll find it as well.

 #12 (Bus Depot, Underground Tunnel)– After lifting Ellie through an opening so she can open the door, you will come to a hallway. Instead of taking the left, turn right and you’ll see the door in front of you.

 #13 (The Firefly Lab, The Hospital)– This is behind the counter just as you walk into the 6th floor of the medical building.


Select a Chapter/Guide

Chapter  2 – Quarantine Zone (note, there are none in Chapter 1)
Chapter 3 – The Outskirts
Chapter 4 – Bill’s Town
Chapter 5 – Pittsburgh
Chapter 6 – The Suburbs
Chapter 7 – Tommy’s Dam
Chapter 8 – The University
Chapter 9 – Lakeside Resort
Chapter 10 – Bus Depot
Chapter 11 & 12 – Firefly Lab and Jackson

All 37 Optional Conversations
All 5 Ellie Joke Conversations
Toolbox Locations
Shiv Doors


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