Click for in instant view of the collectible. Read it, then watch it.
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Comic Book – Force Carrier – This is story related. Ellie will find this on her own
Artifact – Tourist Manifest – Open a garage door with the help of Ellie. As soon as you enter, it’ll be on the right side of the room.
Conversation #12 – In the same room with the Tourist Manifest. Talk to Ellie
Toolbox #2 – In the same with with the Tourist Manifest and optional conversation next to the garage door you entered.
Training Manual – Health: Splinting – This is on the second floor of the building where you got the previous artifact on a bottom shelf in the room to the right of the hallway.
Artifact – Ambush Map – At the end of the hallway from where you got the training manual there will be a door. In this room there will be a workbench and this map hanging on the wall.
Comic Book – Termination Shock – After leaving the previous building you will jump down onto a road. There will be a bus and if you enter it and go to the back, you’ll see this book on the ground.
Conversation #13 – About 10 meters past the bus with the comic book there will be a white car on the right side of the road with a body lying next to it. Have a conversation with Ellie here.
Joke Location #1 – You will come to an area with another bus. Three enemies will come out from on top of it. You, yourself will need to climb over it to continue. What you need to do is either clear the area of the enemies or wait for them to pass and then wait for Ellie near the bus.
Artifact – Lost Hill Note – After climbing over the bus you will come to an abandoned checkpoint. Just to the right of it and under a counter will be this note.
Conversation #14 – To the immediate right of the Lost Hill Note there will be some graffiti on the wall. Wait for Ellie to approach it and then talk to her.
Artifact – Traitors Flyer – In the next area after the checkpoint, you’ll find yourself in a somewhat large area. In the center of this area along a wall will be a sign hanging on the wall.
Firefly Pendant – Kazden Risk – In the same area as the Traitor’s Flyer, you’ll notice a building (bookstore) on your right. Go to the far side of this area around that building and down an ally and you’ll see this on the ground. You can also go through the building and exit the far side.
Artifact – Abandon Zone Note – This is in the bookstore building you go behind to get the Traitor’s Flyer. It’s on the first floor in the first office in the back right side.
Artifact – Applicant Checklist – This is in the same building as above, except near the front part of the building underneath stairs that lead up to the second floor.
Shiv #5 – Second floor of the book store, back right corner to the right of the café.
Artifact – Lost Areas Map – Second Floor, behind the door you need to open with a shiv.
Joke Location #2 – This occurs in the big bookstore. You need to clear the entire thing and then wait up near the 2nd floor exit, by the makeshift camp site.
Conversation #15 – After exiting the large bookstore you will come upon a street. To the left will be the “Red X” Shiv door, but if you turn around on this street and follow the right wall you will come to a large ad featuring a skinny model wearing pink. Go there and then you will be able to initiate a conversation with Ellie.
Joke Location #3 – This requires you to complete the optional conversation with the Skinny Model. After that is complete, she’ll wander around for a couple minutes before coming to a stop and then whipping out her joke book.
Shiv #6 – Just to the left of you at the flooded street when you have that short cut scene while hiding behind a cab where you see Hunters remove a plank. The door will have a red “X” on it.
Artifact – Mother’s Letter – In the shiv door room above.
Artifact – Stash Note – This is in the Coffee house’s second floor. This is reached after you bring the platform over for Ellie to avoid swimming.
Conversation #16 – In the Pittsburgh chapter, you will finally make your way to the Hotel. As soon as you drop down into the main floor, head to the left side of this area and there will be a coffee machine that will give you the trigger.
Artifact – Note to Staff – Once in the hotel, you’ll need to move a ladder. As soon as you climb up it head to the right. Make your way around and this note will be sitting in front of the elevator doors.
Training Manual – Shiv: Reinforcement – After getting the Note to Staff, head back down to the first floor and behind the counter and in a small room will be a safe that you can unlock with the combination you got from the Note to Staff artifact.
Joke Location #4 – After opening the safe on the first floor and taking the Training Manual, when you climb back up the ladder, Ellie will meet you at the top with some jokes in hand.
Conversation #17 – This is on the third floor once you enter the Hotel Rooms area. Look for two bodies lying in a bathtub and you can have a conversation with Ellie.
Artifact – Hotel Keycard – This is story related and located in a security room
Comic Book – Accretion – After making your way through a kitchen and then a restaurant, you’ll climb a ladder to a higher level. Exit the door of the next room and head through another one on your left. Squeeze your way to the opposite side of this area and the comic book will be sitting on some furniture
Firefly Pendant – Colby Reed– Continue onwards and you jump down some stairs. Go inside the women’s bathroom on the left side of the hallway and this pendant will be on the ground in the back stall.
Training Manual – Melee: Knots – This in the same hallway with the bathroom you got the pendant in. It’ll be sitting out in the open on a table.
Conversation #18 – After the training manual, you will come to a ballroom. In this area, to the right, is a photo backdrop. Stand there and wait for Ellie and she’ll have a few conversation prompts.
Conversation #19 – As soon as you enter the Financial District, there will be a body hanging near the bank from a tree. This is the location of another optional conversation with Ellie.
Artifact – Fireflies Note – When you enter the financial district you will have many enemies around. There will be a café on the right as well as a sub shop called Don Fiocchi Subs. This will be on the floor in the freezer in the back of the sub shop.
Artifact – Final Attack Note – Eventually you’ll come to an office buiding and on the second floor there will be a Human Resources office. Behind one of the desks in the corner on the floor will be the artifact.
Artifact – Mob Attack Note – You will come to another large area and on the opposite side of the street there is a building with a few enemies on the second floor. Enter this building and head to the second floor and in there is a desk near some stairs that has the note behind it.
Artifact – Truck Note – At the end the the road there will be a credit union building converted into a ration dept and this note will be right out in the open in the center of the room. This building is opposite of where you pull down a red ladder
Shiv #7 – In the backroom of the Credit Union building.
Conversation #20 – After clearing the credit union building of its’ collectibles, you will climb a fire escape. Once you return to the street, look for a sign for a Military Preparatory School sign hanging on a gate. It’ll be just in front of you when you drop down and in front of the police car. Please note that the conversation that you can have before climbing the red ladder doesn’t count.
Conversation #21 – Just ahead in the same area, there will be a Billboard for the movie “Dawn of the Wolf”. This will give you another optional conversation trigger.
Training Manual – Molotov: Construction – In the apartment where you meet Henry and Sam. It’ll be on the kitchen counter
Shiv #8 – In the area where you meet Henry and Sam. You’ll go down a flight of stairs and this door will be right in front of you before heading down the next flight.
Comic Book – Deep Phase – In the apartment that you just shived the door open to. It’ll be in the left bedroom.
Firefly Pendant – Lucas Rios – After your first encounter while with Henry and Sam, you’ll climb a truck to get to a roof and have to deal with 2 more enemies before climbing up again. You’ll enter a house and if you take the first doorway on the left it will lead you to a bathroom and this pendant is sitting on a toilet.
Artifact – Trial Note – Immediately after getting the above pendant, you will enter an office suite. In this room there is a boardroom that has this note lying on the floor in a corner.
Watch full Grounded mode difficulty walkthrough with collectibles (Part 1)
Watch full Grounded mode difficulty walkthrough with collectibles (Part 2)
Select a Chapter/Guide
Chapter 2 – Quarantine Zone (note, there are none in Chapter 1)
Chapter 3 – The Outskirts
Chapter 4 – Bill’s Town
Chapter 5 – Pittsburgh
Chapter 6 – The Suburbs
Chapter 7 – Tommy’s Dam
Chapter 8 – The University
Chapter 9 – Lakeside Resort
Chapter 10 – Bus Depot
Chapter 11 & 12 – Firefly Lab and Jackson
All 37 Optional Conversations
All 5 Ellie Joke Conversations
Toolbox Locations
Shiv Doors