There are four Enigma Code Puzzles that you can reach in the Extras menu. You need to crack the codes. You are only given a single clue, and that is the starting number on each of the dials. You will first need to collect each of the Enigma Code pieces from the main story campaign. If you have yet to do so, check out my Collectible Guide as I will show you the locations of the Enigma Codes, plus all the gold and letters.
Wolfenstein The New Order Easter Eggs
Since you’re not given any clues except the starting number, it took some time to figure it out. It boiled down to solving the first one which the developers made as simple as it could be. After rotating dials for nearly half an hour, it turned out the first code was broken by simply putting the numbers in sequential order starting with the base number on the left. That was the top row and it left the bottom row left to be solved in the first code. It didn’t take to long to figure out that the bottom one was just simply the top row reversed except with a different starting number.
Moving on to the second code, I was hoping that it was going to be the same pattern. Much to my dismay, it wasn’t. It took nearly as long to solve the second one as it did the first one. On a whim, I decided to skip every other number but that wasn’t enough because one of them would land on “00” which at the time I didn’t know wasn’t an eligible number on the wheel. It wasn’t until I decided to skip over the “00” that I unlocked the top row. Knowing that the first code’s bottom row was just a reverse of the top row, solving this only took a minute after getting the top row.
Moving onto number 3, I felt pretty confident. If the first one was sequential and the second one was every other one, then I figured the third one would be every third number. But the problem I ran into was that I was under the assumption that every number was used once. I was completely incorrect in that assessment. Turns out, you only use 3 numbers throughout the crack of the third code. Entering 3-6-9 (skip “00”) and repeat 3-6-9 twice more would be the key. Then reversing the bottom row and this puzzle was solved.
The fourth one just naturally had to follow the same pattern, right? Well, mostly. This was every fourth number, but the numbers would land on “00” a couple times. So as long as you are mindful that “00” doesn’t count, this one should be a piece of cake after solving the first three.
Enigma Code #1
Top 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9
Bottom 8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1-9
Enigma Code #2
Top 2-4-6-8-1-3-5-7-9
Bottom 7-5-3-1-8-6-4-2-9
Enigma Code #3
Top 3-6-9-3-6-9-3-6-9
Bottom 6-3-9-6-3-9-6-3-9
Enigma Code #4
Top 4-8-3-7-2-6-1-5-9
Bottom 5-1-6-2-7-3-8-4-9
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