The world has fallen under the control of the Shinra Electric Power Company, a shadowy corporation controlling the planet’s very life force as mako energy. In the sprawling city of Midgar, an anti-Shinra organization calling themselves Avalanche have stepped up their resistance. Cloud Strife, a former member of Shinra’s elite SOLDIER unit now turned mercenary, lends his aid to the group, unaware of the epic consequences that await him.
A spectacular reimagining of one of the most visionary games ever, FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE rebuilds and expands the legendary RPG for today.
The return draws closer. Get ready and be sure to follow us:
#FinalFantasy #FF7R
3:06- I thought that was Kadaj! :O
I want the Sephiroth wristwatch. That looks amazing.
I can’t wait for the FULL DEATH SCENE of AERITH in GLORIOUS HD!!!
Sfm maker: it’s free real estate
My memories y’all I played this game from the demo on original ps. The summon knights of round is so epic!
0:53 This remix is sick
didn’t play the original, but this is so hype
Sony’s dominating E3 without even attending.
1:40 – anyone else think square might have tried a little too hard make those glasses and drinks transparent? They’re a bit TOO transparent… They look like drinks a bartender would serve a ghost…
Also, cloud is drinking pee.
give us more handsome Sephirot this cat eyes Sephirot can’t even par with FF7:AC. AHHHHHHHH
Time to play as Barrett exclusively
Didn’t know sephiroth turned into itachi
Great! Looking forward to the Aerith Survives DLC!
There goes my salary
Let’s hope nothing censored in playstation
*They toned down*
on Tifa’s _personalities_
Well there you have it, they reduced Tifa’s breast size and gave her a stupid undershirt. PREORDER *CANCELLED*
Remember ladies, if you have a large chest then you should be ashamed of yourself, you uncouth SL*TS.
Also, the sound mixing is atrocious here, especially the dialogue.
Ya boy clout
I think I’m the only person to not really care about Aerith.
Tifa, however, is the GIRL!
Where is Zack ? Crisis Core fan ?
I will cry for sure….
Other than the robotic running animations it looks amazing!
Oh, this exists
If they leave out
The cross dressing, motorcycle chase and golden saucer date
I’ll hate this
Still tied for best video game ever in my opinion, along with Ocarina of Time! At least Sony isn’t disrespecting the FF7 remake like Nintendo did by releasing Ocarina of Time 3D for the 3DS (along with Majora’s Mask 3D). Of course the PS Portable isn’t still in business, right? Oh well. Awesome trailer! I don’t own a PS4, but I may be willing to buy one after the FF7 remake comes out. The last time I actually got a new console for a specific new game was the PS2 for DBZ Budokai 1.
Uhhhh….why can’t we get trailers in 4k hdr??? It’s 2019 people!
So, the Air Buster battle is gonna be different, huh?
Can you also continue Type-0 since you fwubbed up XV. I want to play Samurai Ace
Day one.
getting the deluxe. i cant justify an additional $249 for a figure though. i can buy several for that money. although they would not match up in quality, but i just look at them.
А где Винсент?
Cool thumbnail there buddy
Just hope the combat ends up up more like Crisis Core but with more polish than FF15’s “combat”….
this singel handedly won over microsofts entire conference
Why couldn’t they give him a holster or strap for his sword? It’s 2019 and we’re still doing the whole “your weapon just floats behind your back” thing?
Thats right square milk that cow
SJW gonna get offended by Tifa. Mark my word. . .
Me: remember when we used to change dis…
Kitase: this game content is worth two bluray discs.
Me: …nevermind.
Ok, I am officially worried about this game, it seems like there’s nothing left from the original… I don’t even know if I am going to buy it anymore 🙂
Ready to cry to see Jessie,Wedge and Biggs die in HD?
I already preordered
I’m so excited we get to play this game next year, what a great way to start a new decade
I’m about ready to escape from my life again with this game 😀
Is no one talking about the fight theme remix?
I’m not ready to see *you know what* in hd
So another FFXV that nobody is going to play
Im crying
Meh… Never wanted a hack and slash version.. just wanted a remastered version.. better visuals and presentation… That’s all I wanted.
But this feels like a different game gameplay wise.
“i feel traped”
me : I’m coming for you babe
Something is standing whenever I see Tifa…weird.
I am just thinking of the abriged series
Is this a different Sephiroth voice actor
Fans: finally thank you for the towel….now where’s zone of ender’s 3?
E3: oh so this isn’t enough? Ya’know what…..Sony you can go
Sony: I never left…… heh heh heh
Give me my Zack! You have to live!
Came for Tifa stayed for Sephiroth
Did they nerf tifa?
Tifa seems to be nerfed
Another EZ GAME,,,then i atill play pubg mobile for challenge
Tifa’s bust got nerfed…
Never fangirled for a RPG so much in my life! I’m excited for this!
Oh, Man. I can’t wait.
The cast looks great. Definitely can’t to see more of my all time favorite bad guy in Final Fantasy: Sephiroth.
This game is going to rule !
4 years since they announced this and they are still stuck in Midgar….
Oh boy, more remakes… going to Xbox bye
I see they listened to the fans and fixed clouds arms.
Fvckin awesome
seriously…. am ready to cry all over again!
I’m throwing money at the screen but nothing’s happening!
Shut up! And take all my money!!
Yeah, I just lost focus for my exams
cloud and tifa..
let that sink in ppl.
i imagine her to be” bigger”
Fkn better come out on pc ffs
I’m a bit concerned that 4 years on we haven’t seen anything outside midgar.
Looks neat though.
Fans: We been w~
SE: Yes
oh boy, I can’t wait to play it on my ps5
Tifa feelin cold, so she puts on some clothes :l
Can’t wait to see Cloud cross dressing
Ill buy a ps just to play this
Undo the aerith death , we no longer want to see her suffer once more !!
Seph-i-Roth !! (ff7&8 best ff)