Spyro 2 Ripto’s Rage – Bug Control Trophy (Ironically, It’s Actually Bugged)

Published on November 13, 2018 by PS4Trophies

Spyro 2: Ripto’s Rage Bug Control trophy and achievement guide. Defeat all Dracklets in one Superflight. This has the possiblity of being glitched. If it does, you’ll have to exit out and try again. In theory, you should be able to miss one and keep doing laps as long as you keep picking up the superflight powerup and don’t touch the ground.

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#Spyro2 #SpyroTheDragon #RiptosRage
#PS4Trophies #Trophy #Walkthrough #Gameplay #LetsPlay

★ This Game includes the following trophies ★

Ripto’s Remorse (Platinum)
Collect all trophies in Spyro 2: Ripto’s Rage

Hypersonic (Bronze)
Light 6 Gem Lamps in 15 seconds

Well, You Might As Well (Bronze)
Complete Hunter’s challenge

Bad Sushi (Bronze)
Do not feed the Hungry Idol any red fish

Using Your Head (Bronze)
Charge a Goat in Colossus

Exterminate (Bronze)
Defeat every robot in Hurricos

Rescued! (Silver)
Headbutt every turtle in Turtle Soup challenges

Lockjaw (Silver)
Destroy every Roboshark

Conservationist 1 (Gold)
Complete Crush’s Dungeon without hitting any fodder

Warm up the Crowd (Bronze)
Heat up the audience

Long Distance (Bronze)
Complete the long glide to Orb in Autumn Plains

Bug Control (Silver)
Defeat all Dracklets in one Superflight

Unburnt (Silver)
Don’t touch the lava in Skelos Badlands

Gnot Cannon (Silver)
Use a cannon to defeat a TNT thrower

Trouble No More (Gold)
Clean run in the trolley

Duck and Cover (Silver)
Don’t get hit by Bombo

Giantslayer (Silver)
Defeat every Earthshaper in Fracture Hills

Ganked (Bronze)
Steal a Popcorn Crystal from Hunter

Dryfoot (Silver)
Don’t touch the hazardous water in Shady Oasis

Conservationist 2 (Gold)
Complete Gulp’s Overlook without harming fodder

Flyin’ High (Silver)
Defeat the Snowmobiles before defeating a Hang Glider

Bird is the Word (Bronze)
Flame the Pigeons first in Metro Speedway

Yard Work (Bronze)
Headbash every rock in Winter Tundra

Monkeying Around (Bronze)
Charge through every Monkey in Mystic Marsh

Sheeples (Silver)
Don’t hit any Sheep in Cloud Temples

Olly Olly Oxen Free (Gold)
Defeat the Ox without taking a hit

Spitball (Silver)
Defeat every Robo Bee by spitting

RGB (Bronze)
Use all 3 types of power-ups in Ripto’s Arena

Buggin’ Out (Silver)
Defeat 5 Buggies while charging

He’s on FIRE! (Gold)
Unlock the permanent Super Flame

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  • Dakota French 6 years ago

    I love this game

  • Wet Wontons 6 years ago

    So I kept messing up on this over and over. So I just got tired of killing myself and starting over (waiting took forever). So I just kept going after messing up, went around a few times, kept hitting the power up eventually getting all 18. And i got the trophy.. So I guess as long as you don’t touch the ground.


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