Absolver: Downfall is a new, free expansion for the online melee brawler that brings a new game mode, new combat style, new school challenges, and a fistful of new gear for Prospects and Absolvers.
Absolver: Downfall is a new, free expansion for the online melee brawler that brings a new game mode, new combat style, new school challenges, and a fistful of new gear for Prospects and Absolvers.
Copyright 2015 By PS4Trophies All rights reserved.
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Stile samurai
Qual será o preço?
Love this game
I….totally forgot about this game.
Are their any fighting styles that reference Wing Chun? Any at all?
looks cool
Did the player base increase that much?
Should I get into this game? I’m a solo player, and I have played a lot of souls/borne and Nioh, if that helps. Any input is appreciated.
Allright !!!
About time this game got some love
Right after I thought this game had died
Never played this game before is it fun?
This combat looks terrible
will this become its downfall?
Anbu black ops the game
I bought this game, and I regret buying it and it became free…No longer playing the game again.
Bruce Lee influence? Now I’m for sure getting this
This game had potential but ended up being mediocre
Dead game is dead
Iron Fist meets Kubo
i was finna say, the game was short asf
I wouldn’t evening waste my time on this broken of a game. I broken it so bad i had to quit before i gotten ban from play station just becuz i created a infinite flow windfall build XD.!!!!
how do i even get to downfall?
1 year later Ok
Finally sheesh been years
Guys once again i tell you, this is one of game that just release in the west, they do not give a d*mn care to the east region, what a shame.
I totally forgot this game
Such an awesome game; if only high-tier armor wasn’t so impossible to get.
This is great!
i remeber playing this game since launch and taking long breaks because the lack of content and finally CONTENT
This game is trash
Finally cross platform thank you PlayStation
Glad I got this game from PS plus.
Lol me and my friends finish the game 1 day when it come out for free at least more stuff to do now
Can someone answer this?
Do I have to be connected to the internet to play this solo?
If it is possible to play this offline, am I able to unlock stuff?
Is this a download only game? Or is there a physical copy?
Oh yeah baby
Absolver:Downfall, don’t you mean No Man’s Sky:Next but everybody was kung Fu fighting?
We need more updates…
I really like this game. Not really a fan of pvp so I had nothing to do after finishing it so now I’ll definitely go back and play
Finally some DLC!
Finnaly some new stuff
been some time
Please PlayStation can you add roblox or at least think about it because I know people choose Xbox over PlayStation sometimes because PlayStation doesn’t have roblox. It would be better for the customers and also make PlayStation more popular even tho it’s already the best system. Hope you see this.
Wait is this a whole new game, a update or a dlc?
I swear I played this game so much but yet it still feels like a BETA.I like the game very much but it just didn’t last long for me
Where are the bow staffs!!!!
Thank you playstaytion u made so much dream come true xbox and ps4 thanks
This is what I’m waiting for since day1
Very short game,but if they keep dropping content like this,then im in!
wait ps4 only? What about pc?
Wasn’t This Free Last Month? Or Was It The B4?? I Feel Like It Was 2 Months Ago lol
too late?
One of the best games ever