Run Dorothy Run is an immersive Endless Runner and Rhythm Virtual Reality (VR) game, with a cheeky take on the literary classic The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. Run, jive, and bob your your way through the world of Oz to an electro-swing soundtrack, while the story unfolds. Explore fantastical lands as you journey through 16 levels, like the Emerald City, the Scorched Plains, the Wicked Witch’s castle, and more!
© All Rights Reserved Virtro Entertainment 2017. Run Dorothy Run, Virtro Entertainment, and the Virtro logo are trademarks of Virtro Entertainment in the US and/or other countries.
Developed for PlayStation®VR. Please review and follow all safety guidelines for use of PlayStation®VR. Playstation®4 system, PlayStation®VR, PlayStation®Camera, and PlayStation® Move Motion Controllers are required to experience full Run Dorothy Run functionality.
It looks really boring
30$ is way too much imo
Needs to be cheaper…
This should of come out months before Sprint Vector. Since its after this is gonna bomb…
Nice mouse cursor also this nothing to do with the novel or film.
Boring, Beat Saber is gonna be way cooler than this.
This looks like a substandard, lesser polished version of Beat Saber..
I love PlayStation. I’ll never unsubscribe 🙂
Guys please sub my channel
Run Barry, run!
Para cuando days gone?
Collect…dodge…fight …. Puke in middle of your floor!
0:50 mouse cursor
Maybe if it was run FOREST run. Where you play as forest gump and get into some shenanigans. That could be pretty fun….someone make it…
£350 for PSVR, the price of an entire gaming console… and that’s what’s on offer. What a waste
Can we get a more shooting in vr not kids game please PlayStation
It looks cheap.
I don’t remember this being in the book.
Love the music 🙂
$30 for Temple Run game? I’m good
Is this canon?
Yeah after experiencing Beat Saber I’m gonna pass on this one.
Wtf really…
VR there are games but they’re not good games
$30 is a bit too much. But I love this type of music!