Crash Bandicoot 3 Warped – 105% Full Walkthrough – All Boxes, Gems, Secret Levels & Exits, Bosses

Published on July 10, 2017 by PS4Trophies

Crash Bandicoot Warped 105% walkthrough. All boxes, gems, crystals, secret exits, secret levels, boss fights and more. Relic Walkthrough will be a seperate video. ▼ More Info and timeline

To get 105% you need to complete the game, get all gems and relics and then defeat the final boss a second time. If you are missing a relic or gems and can’t find it, It’s likely in one of the two secret levels, Hot Coco accessed through Road Crash or Eggipus Rex, accessed through Dino Might. Neither of those have hub world access.

0:10 Toad Village (Clear Gem)
2:17 Under Pressure (Clear Gem)
4:51 Orient Express (Clear Gem)
6:32 Bone Yard (Clear Gem 1/2)
9:53 Makin’ Waves (Clear Gem)
12:10 Tiny Tiger Boss
13:45 Gee Wiz (Clear Gem)
17:01 Hang ‘Em High (Clear Gem)
20:19 Hog Ride (Clear Gem)
21:29 Tomb Time (No video, just get crystal. We’ll come back)
21:39 Midnight Run (Clear Gem)
23:22 Dingodile Boss
25:06 Dino Might (No video, just get crystal. We’ll come back)
25:13 Deep Trouble (Clear and Red Gems)
29:38 Bone Yard (REPLAY for Clear Gem 2/2)
32:07 High Time (Clear and Purple Gem)
36:48 Tomb Time (Clear Gem x2)
41:45 Road Crash (Clear Gem)
44:01 Road Crash Replay for 1st place crystal
46:05 Double Header (Clear Gem)
49:38 Dr. N. Tropy Boss
51:14 Sphynxinator (Clear Gem 1/2)
54:44 Bye Bye Blimps (Clear Gem)
56:20 Tell No Tales (Clear Gem)
1:01:17 Future Frenzy (No video, just get crystal. We’ll come back)
1:01:26 Tomb Wader (Clear and Blue Gem)
1:07:23 Dr. N. Gin Boss
1:09:57 Flaming Passion (Clear and Green Gem)
1:14:32 Gone Tomorrow (Clear Gem x2)
1:20:20 Orange Asphalt (Clear Gem)
1:22:28 Orange Asphalt replay for 1st place crystal
1:24:30 Mad Bombers (Clear Gem)
1:26:59 Bug Lite (Clear Gem 1/2)
1:30:16 Dr. Neo Cortex Boss

Game is technically done, but much to do for 105%. Good time to start some relic hunting

1:32:30 Road Crash (Secret Exit to Hot Coco)
1:33:10 Hot Coco SECRET LEVEL – Don’t forget to do a Time Trial relic run here at some point (Clear Gem)
1:37:45 Ski Crazed (Clear Gem)
1:42:35 Hang ‘Em High Replay using 2nd Entrance (Yellow Gem)
1:43:25 Dino Might Replay (Clear Gem x2)
1:43:18 Dino Might Replay (Secret Exit to Eggipus Rex)
1:51:02 Eggipus Rex SECRET LEVEL – Don’t forget to do a Time Trial relic run here at some point (Clear Gem)
1:52:16 Sphynxinator Replay (Clear Gem)
1:53:59 Bug Lite Replay (Clear Gem)
1:56:50 Area 51? (Clear Gem x2)
1:59:19 Future Frenzy using 2nd entrance (Clear Gem x2)
2:05:46 Rings of Power (Clear Gem for Victory)
2:07:06 Rings of Power Replay (Clear Gem)
2:09:22 Gem for Collecting all Gold/Platinum Relics on all 30 levels plus Hot Coco and Eggipus Rex Secret Levels (can be earned before or after 2nd Cortex fight)
2:09:36 Dr. Neo Cortex Boss, Second Encounter
2:11:53 100% Ending

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#PS4Trophies #Trophy #Walkthrough #Gameplay #LetsPlay

★ This Game includes the following trophies ★

The N. Vincible Crash Bandicoot!
Collect all the Crash Bandicoot: Warped trophies.

Tiny Trounced
Defeat Tiny Tiger.

Penta’s Revenge
Defeat Dingodile.

A Nefarious Trophy
Defeat N. Tropy.

Mech Wrecked, Again!
Defeat N. Gin.

Cortex N. Carcerated
Defeat N. Cortex.

Taking the Scenic Route
Discover a “?” Bonus Path.

A Cut Above the Rest
Discover a Gem Path after earning a Color Gem.

Not a Scratch (Give It Time)
Discover a Death Route.

UFO Xing
Discovered the Secret Exit in Road Crash.

Getting Carried Away
Discovered the Secret Exit in Dino Might!

Leave No Gem Unturned
Earn 21 Gems.

Bringing Down the House
Earn 42 Gems.

Giving 102%!
Earn the Gems in the bonus levels.

Buckle Up, Boys, Buckle Up!
Earn 5 Relics.

Is There a Problem, Granny?!
Earn 10 Relics (gold or better).

Boo-yah, Grandma! Boo-yah!
Earn 30 Relics (gold or better).

The Riddle of the Sphynx
Have your bazooka ready.

Accept No Substitutes
Shoot the imposter.

Warts and All

Keeping Crash Under Wraps

Category Five
Defeat 5 enemies with Coco’s Savage Hurricane Spin.

A Stitch in Time Saves 99
Earn 99 Lives.

Trigger Clickin’ Good
Shoot 5 of them in a single level.

Your Moment of Zen
Avoid whatever he’s flinging at you.

Category Tag


  • Idris Bazaldua 7 years ago

    hello I love your vids

  • Pnda Mutant 7 years ago

    Thank you so much

  • Joshua Hocker 7 years ago


  • MrJOKERKM 7 years ago

    It’s too late buddy already get the platinum thx by the way

  • Dedex arch man 012 7 years ago

    i like the second game of the series is getting more level more rage more insane then 1 and 3 is easy but more challenge

  • ender 7 years ago

    I like Warped of these 3 games.

  • Gavin Hunkin 7 years ago

    so many ads bra

  • PS4Trophies 7 years ago

    If you have 44 gems and can’t find the final one, you’re missing the gem you get for getting gold/platinum relics on every level. This includes the two secret levels, Hot Coco and Eggipus Rex. Claim the gem in the center area of the hub.

  • Maria Ishimova 7 years ago

    Thank you, man! You made my life a little bit easier and brighter

  • James Shaw 7 years ago

    amazing stuff as per usual Brian! Thanks for all the vids. Been using them on all the Crash games.

    Any idea on what game you’ll be playing next?


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