Leave the familiar world behind! Play with your friends in this action-packed crafting adventure across 3D sandbox worlds. Craft your adventure. Forge your hero. Become the ultimate Portal Knight!
All rights reserved. Developed by Keen Games. Published by 505 Games. 505 Games and the 505 Games logo are registered trademarks of 505 Games S.r.l.
umm the uhhh game sucks at the momount BECAUSE I GOT ALL PORTAL PIECES AND NOTHING HAPPEND
More like Mine fantasy builder knight
its looks like trove and minecraft
why isn’t this game free
Is it free or….
PS+ July material
Rest in piece, Roger Moore :_-(
So sad…
This New Minecraft looks great.
I activate POLYMERIZATION! Fusing Skylanders and Mincraaft to CREATE!………Oh…
Portal Knights: Дашь списать домашку ?
Minecraft: Да, только не списывай точь-в-точь, чтобы не спалили
Dragon Quest Builders: Да, только не списывай точь-в-точь, чтобы не спалили
Portal Knights: Ок
Is this game good?
where are all the good games ? everything is made by a small team now days. indie devs
I bought this game for 25 EUR , and it was worth it 🙂
this is basically a mixture of skylanders minecraft and a pinch of lego universe (i miss lego universe so much)
este juego está muy bien pero el online al jugar con un amigo da error,por favor arreglar eso y me gustaría que me contestarais
did Sony killed the vita
“Unique!” but rips off Minecrafts base gaming.
Extremely unoriginal garbage…
This game shows up in the Playstation store but the button that shows the price isn’t there so I can’t purchase it, Same problem with the app aswell.
This literally is a Trove/Cube World/Minecraft fake
port cubeworld
This game has Emoji faces as a DLC…
kinda like LEGO Zelda Minecraft.
I need this on my vita!
this game is alright, I have it on pc. It’s like Lego worlds and minecraft. you can build in this game but there are multiple world’s just like in Lego worlds but the downfall is that the world’s are very small compared to minecraft.
Dragon Quest Builders look-a-like
cool game :)just tried it
the game will have to change its name because valve has the game “portal”. There is a mobile game which was called Portal Worlds but nowadays its Pixel Worlds because of valve.
cara pq esse joguinho maravilhoso o video apareceu com restriçao de idade ?
That is why i love kkk
I recommand you to play this game ony if you have friends….i don’t have any xD
Elder scrolls mine craft?
quais serao os jogos gratis da ps plus desse mes? espero q sejam bons pq os da live gold sao. por favor sony, nao me decepcione
had this game since early access on PC, it’s pretty darn good. and no, kids under 13, voxel graphics don’t mean it’s Minecraft or trove
Portal Knights! also known as Trove 2 🙂
is it free? lol
maincraft + lego+ bom gráfico igual a isso, mas convence o viados a largar o maincraft e jogar esse que é melhor ?
I hope we get this game on ps+ sometime cause I’ve been playing some big games and I need a small game like this to chill, I wish we get it by july otherwise I am gonna have to buy it.
Hate sandbox games, but I really enjoyed the demo because of its RPG elements. Definitely picking this up sometime. It’s mostly like Terraria but more RPG-y.
melhor que minecraft ‘-‘
Cough co-op?
Looks way more entertaining then trove or minecraft. Played the demo for Dragon Quest builders and also thought that that was much more enjoyable then minecraft but I didn’t end up getting it. I may get this though.
Bought the disc version as always, but what’s the point exactly in this game? I finished the tutorial and now what, find portals and that’s it?
Hey guys, if you like this game then give my channel a quick glance!
Shut up and take my money
free to play sony???
Minecraft HD texture