Blackwood Crossing is a story-driven first-person adventure game. An intriguing and emotive tale exploring the fragile relationship between orphaned siblings, Scarlett and Finn. When their paths cross with a mysterious figure, an ordinary train ride evolves into a magical story of life, love and loss.
The story-driven adventure game, Blackwood Crossing, is developed by PaperSeven, and launches on PS4 April 2017.
(c) 2017 Vision Games Publishing all rights reserved
The cringe is strong on this one
parece ser legal mas ne disse legal n maravilhoso
i like this game
my dog’s name is Scarlett 😀
well done
me gustó mucho ese video
Hey, PlayStation… give us some f@#king zombie simulators to play!
Weird game
looks really interesting
free games
Fantasy is a great thing
Get the feeling this is going to be a really sad game about an older sibling dying. Looks pretty amazing.
The story sounds interesting but Jesus that voice acting……..
plz give us rated M games for the ps plus members, we want adventure, blood and gore for free games, we don’t want kid games please. this is just a suggestion.
“I’ll show you BLACK WOOD crossing..”
what? a game that’s not broken?
Maybe you could call this a narrative driven indie game. I’d call it an interactive movie. Maybe you’d prefer the movie. If so, then this is up your alley. I’d prefer game developers use their talents to make video games.
Thought this was related to Animal Crossing for a moment
Not sure if I should or shouldn’t play this game because my older sister with a name that rhymes with Scarlet died. Would make it a sad game, but the similarities make me feel like I should try it.
I don’t get it.
This game’s gonna mess you up!
What’s the songs name it remembers Life is Strange
When the lambs silence in the right corner 0:11.
I have many questions
You have my attention…
never realized the game’s use of heavy themes regarding the relationship between 2 orphaned siblings ever since the teaser
The kid in the thumbnail looks like Anna form frozen the kid Evan has an f on his shirt.
its the point and click?
Life is Strange 10 Year Old Boy Edition.
looks like awesome
Girl pov 😉
Ok ok this looks nice and i love game like this!
Looks good for a game that’s meant for everyone but question is this a VR game? Looks like it!
Ohh God the blue butterfly OMG Chloe is in this game from Life Is Strange 😀
I’m confused.
Overly Attached Brother – The Game
I’m guessing Scarlet is dead.
For a narrative game it is intriguing
What’s the song
this is so Illuminati