Destiny Rise of Iron – Iron Temple Bell Secret – Sing the Iron Song Theme Trophy & Achievement

Published on September 22, 2016 by PS4Trophies

Destiny Rise of Iron Felwinter Peak Iron Temple Bell secret puzzle. This earns you the Sing the Iron Song trophy when you successfully play the Rise of Iron theme. There are 5 bells (6th one you don’t use) that you must strike in a specific order. This can’t be done solo and doing it with 2 people is possible, but much more difficult than using 4-5 people. You must hit the bells in the iron temple in rhythm so you can’t be to slow or to fast.
Bell order – 1, 2, 3, 1, 5, 4, 3, 2, 3, 1

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#PS4Trophies #Trophy #Walkthrough #Gameplay #LetsPlay

★ This Game includes the following trophies ★

Mountain Climber (Bronze)
Complete the “King of the Mountain” mission.

The Young Wolf (Silver)
Complete the “Rise of Iron” quest.

Student of History (Silver)
Activate all Iron Lord Artifacts.

Supremacy (Bronze)
Complete the “Glory and the Taking of It” quest.

Eye for an Eye (Bronze)
Complete the “Kovik’s Sin” quest.

Forging Ahead (Bronze)
Complete an encounter in the Archon’s Forge.

Spliced (Bronze)
Complete the “Wrath of the Machine” raid.

Splicer God (Silver)
Complete the “Wrath of the Machine” raid on heroic difficulty.

Secret Trophies

Sing the Iron Song (Bronze)
Play the Rise of Iron theme on the bells in the Iron Temple.

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  • DevilGames 8 years ago


  • DevilGames 8 years ago

    anyone wanna do this trophy?

  • ofek 1 8 years ago

    got to do it with randoms, the community is so awesome:)

  • King Cosbae 8 years ago

    does anybody know what trophy level the owner of this channel is at? I feel
    like he has over 100 platinums lol

  • Denver Walker 8 years ago

    Will you be doing a BS:Infinite collectibles guide?

  • Luis Angel 8 years ago

    i already did it and thought that something would open like a secret door

  • Luis Angel 8 years ago

    i already did it and thought that something would open like a secret door

  • Holz 8 years ago

    You left off 34 on the end


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