Watch the brand new trailer for Horizon Zero Dawn running on the PS4™ Pro in stunning 4K resolution.
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que pasada
I’m watching it in 720 and it looks incredible. How on earth does it look
in 4k then?
Is this the best they got …” Really
My laptop explode with this lmao
Plz, come with 1080p 60 FPS option!
It’s still running at 1080 p 60 fps.. Lol
esta divino
you can tell its upscaled from 1080p though, sucks it wont be native 4k.
She must have the most calus hands ever! xD This game looks gorgeous! Can’t
I’m don’t know if this is upscaling or native resolution but there is one
thing i now.. this game is will not be avalible for your 4000$ 4K PC, now
go make another petition as aways.
it seems MS paid trolls from GAF are at full force distorting facts..suck
box slim runs most games at 720p..has inferior gaming hw at 1.4 tf..ddr3
ram at 68g/s and cheap gpu with 16 rops and 768 steam processors lol….PS4
/PS4 slim still is considerably more powerful than suck box slim and runs
most games at 1080p at 1.84tf with a gpu having 32 rops and 1158 steam
processors alongside GDDR5 at 176g/s
list of suck box 720p slim games at 720p
Dr 3 720p
cod 720p
bf4 720p
pes 720p
nhl 720p
watchdogs 792p
titancrap 792p
ff 576p hahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
mgs gz 720p
mgs 900p
KI 720p
golf 720p
galo 5 576p – 900p(1360* 1080)
bfh and 25 other games
the game of year
30 fps streaming master race
Movement reminds me of uncharted
As long as this looks great on ps4 I’ll be chilling over here
The game looks fantastic and I’m sure it’ll be great, but Sony, please stop
throwing 4K around when it’s only upscaled and not native.
60fps > 4K
how she gonna slide down that rope with just her hands??¿¿
GodDAMN!!! This looks beautiful!!!!!!
Besides Ratchet and Clank, this is the only game I feel like buying a PS4
Girl could be one robot as well… I mean, she can slide down the rope with
her BARE HANDS… they gotta be made of iron or something, right? XD
que dlc
soooo. is this 4k 60 fps ” I doubt” or is it 4k 30 fps
Shadow of the colossus meets Titanfall?
Mobile users: “wow, this looks great in 4k”
The game looks so pretty. T^T I really want, but do not have a Ps4.
holy f**k!
if it’s 399. then forget worrying about the PC master race. this is all I
need. plus a PC for video editing. witch can probably do the same thing.
whenngoin down a rope a that speed ur hands will be cut and burned…
Just watched this on my samsung JS9000 4K HDR TV …. Mind Blown!!!!
Thanks Sony for dissapointing the 40 millions of users. So I will have to
receive more games with drop frames unless I have a Ps4 Pro?. It was the
worst desicion to be a sony user again. I will sell my “ps4 Error Edition”
and will buy a NX or a new Graphic Card, but give more money to Sony,
so this game has been remastered before its actual release.
My eyes are glowing O.o
so..thats why they delayed the game?
Gotta say it, the soundtrack for this game might be worth purchasing on its
own. Might be. It really seems like it could be something great. I really
do get a sense of wonder and greatness with some tracks, while others seem
humble, respectful of Nature.
WTF am I supposed to do now? I can’t go back to normal PS4 after seeing
this.. I CAN’T! I won’t..
The hair was so distracting
Too much focus on graphics, I didn’t feel the freedom this game is supposed
to have. I think Zelda will be a better game, at least for my taste.
4.2 TF and the character still clips through plants. :(
Kan niet wachten tot Horizon uitkomt. Een stukje Nederlands trots!
Look forward to playing this and days gone on PS4|Pro
They have to do it, its because Uncharted 4, every body has to step up
there game, looks great, can’t wait.
I like her new outfit.
I want to see graphics comparison of this game on a HD 1080p TV on PS4 and
PS4 Pro. Then I will make my mind if it is worth upgrading my PS4.
Horizon is breathtakingly gorgeous. Like “Avatar” ( James Cameron’s movie )
For a game that’s “open world” It’s the most visually impressive looking
game I’ve seen so far.
Guerrilla Games, Thank you. It will be an honor to experience Aloy’s story!
P.S. Hearing that music at the end almost had me cry a little.
I’m crying inside because I don’t have a PlayStation to play this.
Lol @ people who thinks this is 4k. Sony should be working to improve frame
rates, not resolution. Games already look great at 1080 on 1080 displays. I
can finally play games at a stable 30 fps now!!
best game ever
Hope its just as beautiful as in the trailer… or else, this could be the
next Watch Dogs or No Man’s Sky
como se les quedo la cara xbox :v
I feel many games of today lose mysticism to their story telling niw
because the focus is go everywhere, see beyond the horizon in High
Wow I love see This!
God! Watching on a 2007 AOC 14” monitor. It’s a incredible experience lol
Says 1080p 60fps on the Quality…..and yet it looks 30fps….o……k?
giraffe is the new ubisoft radio tower.
so will the pro play all games 4k, some, or only new ones that are already
4k enhanced
Man this looks so cool
hey ps4, lets hope it’s not another no man’s sky
Now add Splitscreen mode and the ability to go as far away from the other
person as possible, then we’ll be in the next generation
Okay. NOW I’m sold on Horizon. Can’t wait!
anyone who thinks uncharted 4 looks better than this probably played that
game on crack or something….
you can keep your 4k if all games dont run @ 60FPS!!!
Ponen el video a 4k 60fps y el juego va a 30 fps :v
huh I now have to get a ps4 “THANKS!”
I’m confused though. Is the PS4 pro only useful in 4K or is there a
difference in Full HD too?
I am trying to force myself to like this game but it going to end up being
okay or disappointing . Hopefully I am wrong.
man this looks amazing
man she looks gorgeous
Hey Guerrilla. I so disappointed that you are ignoring *KILLZONE*. Just
imagine how good a Killzone sequel could be if you put the same amount of
work into it that you’ve put into Horizen. It would become better than COD
& Battlefield combined. I still have my fingers crossed for a proper sequel
to Killzone 2. I’m getting old though. Hopefully I can wait.
My gtx 1070 bottlenecked with an I5 2500 makes better graphics. Chupa essa
Shadow of the Colossus
is it confirmed that, if you use a 1080p TV instead of getting 4k you will
get more FPS?
4k Crash tv ……
watched this in 4k 60fps on my laptop, lol it sounds like a plane taking of
Oh oh the new AC!!!!
Wow, guess no more pc master race.
Guerrilla > Naughty Dog.
I’m glad they developed this game for the ps4 pro it looks unbelievable
Assassins’s Creed – Amazon
This looks mad on my Sony x85 2016
launch of the game
Hopefully this supports 1080p with all the bells and whistles, please make
GG knows we want 1080p with max settings on pro, please GG <3
So will we be disappointed again? There have been too many games that have
shown incredibly interactive gameplay like this, and then we’re just
disappointed in the end after it’s been dumbed down.
There’s a surprising amount of hype lacking for this game. It looks
incredible and people aren’t really talking that much about it. Glad it’s
not getting overhyped though. Can’t wait.
crying because i don’t have the money for this
Anyone remember Zoids?
Upsacale from 1080p game rendering to 4k.
Like now 900p upscale to 1080 on Battlefront.