Take the most fun parts of a Tower Defense button-masher and blend them with the best features of an Apartment Management sim and what do you get? Unholy Heights for PlayStation 4!
As The Devil, you have two ambitions: collect millions in rent and breed a monstrous legion of fearsome beasts! Unleash your monsters on the human adventurers and evict them WITH EXTREME PREJUDICE!
©2016 petit depotto. Developed by mebius. Published by Teyon.
playstation plus lineup and ill be on my way pls thx
who wants ps plus lineup ? Like this comment
My god just show us the ps plus game !
These games are perfect for PS Vita… But only PS4…
These games…
Rumor: Watch Dogs & Killzone Shadow Fall will be in the PS Plus September
2016 Lineup.
We want ps plus September games!
I’ve been saying it for years, we needed a game that combined Tower defense
strategy with apartment management……..
1999?…is that you?
looks funny, i might get it
we want ps+ lineup for September!!!!!
the picture of the video looked very similar to mario the thousand year
door am i the only one?
this is like one of those mobiles games
make minecraft story mode episode 8 trailer please
who wants ps like if you agree
ps plus games…….
This game is pretty bad. I played it.
They dont even put “Greatness awaits” in the end of the videos anymore…
again with the mobile games, playstation is getting worse
I’ll buy it…if its less than a fiver
great soundtrack
It’s funny how most in the comments are ppl crying for September’s ps plus
free games line-up yet they’re probably gonna complain the games are
garbage anyway.People need to get their priorities in order.
Oh I saw this on Jesse Cox fan friday video long time ago, the game looks
very entertaining.