See what the automated future holds for humanity in this new story trailer for Headlander, the far out action-platformer from the fine Double Fine folks and published by Adult Swim Games. Find Your-topia on this edenic space station; be free of all your cares and worries―except maybe the mysterious artificial intelligence controlling humanity’s remnants.
Headlander TM & © 2016 Cartoon Network
Earth worm jim?
Will it be good? or will it be a bad ps+ game?
……..Ummmm :v
lol This game is lookin pretty cool.The other trailers did
I’ve seen WIERD plots, but this takes the cake.
Blood dragon gets 2 cakes though
That looks amazing. Perfect 1970’s scifi style.
اول كمنت عربي xD
This reminds me of 1970-1980 commercials.
حمید گودرزی
what the he’ll is gemas bad fack
I give it Deslike. in case that somebody is wondering.
I got to have it
What even is this.
thought that was Theresa may
Looks boring asf
Ok, you have my attention.
make a new playstation home
Haha ok america.
Yay, more sidescrolling platformers! Exactly what the PS4 needs right now!
Digging the music! =D
Lol what? XD
HEAD landeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrr
This is one excellent trailer – I’d love to know how you get the speech
effect the narrator has!
Mars Attacks: the videogame
head cases
WTF did I just watch?
Oh look ! A another game that could be on PS vita but no it’s on PS4 !
i came cause when i saw icon i knew people would say this is in like 1900’s
“the ultimate head trip” LMAO