Ironcast is a turn-based steampunk mech combat game, available on PlayStation 4. Take control of a 7 meter tall walking vehicle called an Ironcast and face off against an invading force of enemy Ironcast in order to defend 1880’s Victorian England.
Learn more about the game by following the teams on twitter @DreadbitGames or @RipstoneGames
Ironcast © 2015 Ripstone Ltd. Developed by Dreadbit Ltd. “Ironcast” is a trademark of Ripstone Ltd. All rights reserved.
اول تعليق عربي
ثاني تعليق عربي
Very weird game with a lot of character, I remember when this came out on
pero q feo
انا الثالض من العرب السعودي gta5 التحديثات ليش وقفت
its free?
Intro was fantastic…then appear the gameplay mechanics
why so many Arabic comments?
The main playstation channel posts indie games more and other playstation
channels with way less subs show off the AAA games like fukn wut m8?
que juego de porqueria
I’ll give it a shot.
Another mobile game for my ps4 thx sony
Oh, right this is like that Puzzle Fighter? Or… Candy Crush saga…?
Well, I am not really interested in buying this.
yeah fricking candy crush for ps4 cheers m8 just what I needed……..
The Indies Awaits :A
again an indie game :|
Steampunk Candy Crush?
OMG this looks so bad… Bet it will be free on PSN soon.. uhhhh
Oh boy can’t wait to get this on PS Plus for free!
joga da porra, enfia no cu essa merda
Bejeweled with TEETH!
I really like this game on steam, i really recommend that people take an
honest look at it.
So it’s a jewel connecting game….. pretending to be a steampunk mech
combat game. Such a wasted idea.
if i wanted mobile game id buy a iphone
The “powerful substance that is required for technological advancement
causes a world war” clique.
It’s a goddam flash game?
Waaaaah,, they didn’t design this game to cater to my specific gaming
I actually thought this was a Vita game. I will still try it out. It looks
This looks like a glorified flash game
Listen.. PlayStation.. Pro Tip.. Stop remaking or porting games and start
making some new and original games!
Do people expect triple A games to come out every day or something?
This game could be good. Why so many dislikes?
Another diamond game -_ – . P.S: ANDROID full of those.
hmm… the x-box one cost only 300$
who want my ps4 for 300$ ?! ^^
Order 1886 + Wolfenstein The New Order + Candy Crush
Why are there games like this that’s on mobile on a console?!
This game is the System Seller!!!
:25 but is it a weapon to surpass metal gear?