Star Trek ~ The Video Game ~ Enterprise Capture Collectible Locations

Published on May 9, 2013 by PS4Trophies

Break in

0:15 Chekov’s Audio Log #1 – Once you make it into the ship turn around and behind you next to a door on the right will be the log. This and the next five collectibles come back to back.

0:32 Gorn Tech (1 of 3) Turn back and head the right way and it’ll be at the end of the hallway.

0:40 Chekov’s Audio Log #2 From the previous item, open the door and immediately to the right on the ground will be this one

0:48 Gorn Tech (2 of 3) – In the same room, on a chair on the right

0:59 Sulu’s Audio Log #1 – Exit the previous room and about halfway to the Turbolift after a couple turns will be this log sitting on the ground next to some gray boxes

1:23 Gorn Tech (3 of 3) – Right before the, just to the left on the ground in front of what looks like an ATM machine with a red screen.

Taking Back the Ship

1:40 Scotty’s Audio Log #1 – On your way to the Warpcore, you will reach a room with your first Gorn encounter of the level. Make your way to the back and just to the left of your waypoint there will be some boxes with the log sitting on it.

Taking Back the Ship Part 2

1:58 Sulu’s Audio Log #2 – You will be tasked to clear the lower level of Gorn. Head out the only way you can and then take the door directly in front of you. You should be in a staircase. At the top of it there will be an audio log.

2:13 How Warp Drive Works (1 of 3) – This will be at the bottom of the stairs. You’ll need to scan the console.

2:27 How Warp Drive Works (2 of 3) – From the previous one, there is a vent you can crawl through. Make your way to the other side and as soon as you can stand up, look up, and scan the large item above you.

3:05 How Warp Drive Works (3 of 3) – In the area where you must clear the Gorn as part of the mission, on the far end there will be a large cylindrical item for scanning.

3:26 The Warp Core (1 of 3) – After prying open a door and climbing a ladder, you’ll enter an area with the three warp cores. The first one will be on a console very close to where you start from

3:36 The Warp Core (3 of 3) – This is the second one you’ll find. If you jump over the boxes near the first core and head straight you’ll see a console on the left you can scan.

3:48 The Warp Core (2 of 3) – This one is on the second level. Make your way up top and around. It’ll be on the second platform with consoles on them.

4:31 Scotty’s Audio Log #2 – This will also be on the second level where the warp cores are at. Once on the second level, make your way to the front area and there will be office looking structure with the log in the corner

Spread the Cure

4:50 Sickbay Equipment – You will be tasked to go to the power control room on the lower deck. To get there you’ll go down a hallway and turn left to open a hatch and climb down a ladder. Instead, turn right and there will be a research item in the center of a medical room.

5:09 Scotty’s Audio Log #3 – On the upper level where you have to turn on the power. It’ll be the room right next to the stairs that go down. The door will be locked until power is restored.

5:34 Sickbay Gurney – On the way to save Chekov, in the center of a sickbay is a gurney you can scan. You’ll know the area with it’s bright blue lighting.

5:44 Chekov’s Audio Log #3 – Just to the right of the gurney on a desk.

5:50 Tribble #6 – In the same room as the two previous, just open the door and it’ll be in the corner.

Spread the Cure Part 2

6:05 Sulu’s Audio Log #3 – After bringing Chekov back you’ll be sent out once again. After the game loads into this new part, walk forward and you’ll see fire blocking a path. There is a log in a room to the left. It’ll be in the back and on a stand. .


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