Until Dawn Road to Platinum – How to get all Endings, Collectibles and Secret Trophies Quick

Published on August 25, 2015 by PS4Trophies

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Please Play through game once before watching this. Road to Platinum takes a stop at Until Dawn. This will map out how to get all the trophies in the quickest time. Playlist for each trophy can be found here – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJ4VW1nTAWXfzVSFrVZsYXkgBx_eG1k1q

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★ Until Dawn includes the following secret trophies ★

***************MAJOR SPOILERS*****************


A Symphony of Horror Trophies (Platinum)
You collected all Gold, Silver and Bronze trophies in
Until Dawn

Fatal Grudge (Bronze)
Chris chose to shoot Ashley

The Exorcism of Emily (Bronze)
Mike shot Emily

Ashley Snaps (Silver)
Ashley snapped and let Chris die

You Let The Wrong One In! (Bronze)
Ashley or Chris opened the trap door and let the monster in

Let eM In (Bronze)
Mike allowed Emily to stay in the basement

Instant Inferno (Silver)
Sam immediately flicked the switch to set the lodge ablaze

The Tale of The Two Sisters (Gold)
The group found all the clues from the Twins Clueline

The Fateful Descent (Gold)
The group found all the clues from the 1952 Clueline

You Opened Their Eyes (Gold)
The group found all the clues from the Mystery Man Clueline

Four Daughters Of Darkness (Gold)
All of the girls survived until dawn

They All Live (Gold)
All eight friends survived until dawn

This Is THE End (Gold)
Nobody survived until dawn

Don’t Scare Jessica To Death (Silver)
Jessica survived her night of terror

The Skilful Wolf Man (Gold)
Mike kept the wolf alive throughout the Sanatorium

Scream Too! (Silver)
Mike cut off his fingers to free himself from the bear trap

The Psycho Path (Silver)
Sam or Ashley attacked the psycho with a weapon

The Quicker Man (Gold)
All the boys escaped death

Night of the Totem Hunter (Gold)
The group found all the totems on the mountain .
All Until Dawn Secret Trophies



  • PS4Trophies 10 years ago

    I can’t stress how much I recommend playing through the game one time with
    no knowledge of the trophies or events that will occur before watching
    this. This video is *SPOILER* heavy.

  • Cyle Jackson 10 years ago

    hey have you ever played warfame

  • Berimbau Alex 10 years ago


  • Diego Garcia 10 years ago

    How many endings does this game have?

  • Abdalluh Mhmood 10 years ago

    Should i watch the collectable guide with my first go ?

  • venom balor 10 years ago

    from what i know the game has a save mechanic that dosen’t let you come
    back to a save it only save to you checkpoints

  • Jiafei 10 years ago

    finished the game, gotta say it’s all jump scare rofl

  • ryan cortis 10 years ago

    i would really aprecciate it you do full guide how to not kill every1 pls

  • PS4Trophies 10 years ago

    *Additional info*
    1) I failed to mention that for the collectibles, you also have to avoid
    shooting the squirrel in episode 1. Sorry about that, I didn’t realize that
    event was tied to collectibles.
    2) Josh can live or die depending on if you pick up specific collectibles.
    He will die if you don’t look at The Twins notebook near the mill. Just
    don’t pick up collectibles when trying to kill everyone.

  • Epitaph 13 10 years ago

    you help me get a lot of trophys

  • brayden goodack 10 years ago

    so can you only finish the game with them all alive or all dead? cause I’m
    about to end the game and only one of my characters is dead which is the
    black guy I don’t remember his name.

  • XxHxCRaverxX 10 years ago

    I notice most videos and walkthroughs have 30 Mystery Man Clues.
    But my game has 32 to collect.
    I have #31 Pig Head Note.
    And I am missing #32
    where is Mystery Man Clue#32 located?

  • awesomestuff81 10 years ago

    started playing this yesterday! Will be back! Don’t want to spoil the

  • Joey Miller 10 years ago

    As long as EM is dead you can kill everyone else off in chapters 9 and 10 .
    I did it just now . You CANT kill em in the lodge at the end she will live
    and you won’t get the kill everyone trophy.

  • Joey Miller 10 years ago

    But you can start at chapter 7 if you are just trying to kill everyone . I
    have to go back for the Chris and ash trophies but that’s better than
    starting back at chapter five

  • Sultan Al-Subai 10 years ago

    can use chapter select to save jess than after that jump to the end?
    because i saved everyone except her.

  • Michael Wooouh 10 years ago

    My ending: Sam and Chris has survived :/

  • Jeff Grant 10 years ago

    If I choose to play a new game do I keep all the collectables I’ve found so
    far or should I get the ones I’m missing using chapter select?

  • Filipe Ghiggi 10 years ago

    where i found mystery man clue 32

  • xKalashniiKoV _ 10 years ago

    Hey i Need help ! Can i Start from chapter 4 with The all alive trophy? Or
    must Start a new Game ? My first playtrough was all Dead trophy

  • berke kovaci (berke28) 10 years ago

    This guy deserves a platinum for his channel

  • King_Bowser ™ 10 years ago

    Ok so this might have been answered already but with Josh, i herd you just
    need to collect the book in chapter 10 to keep him alive, I also herd I
    need to collect ALL the twin collectables, So do I need to collect them all
    or just the book?

  • Grigorios Lamprinos 10 years ago

    How can u make Josh not die?

  • SJB15 10 years ago

    Can you get the trophies by clicking the episodes

  • djn 10 years ago

    If I start from episode 5 using chapter select can I get the trophy for
    killing everyone?

  • Alta190 10 years ago

    Background music?

  • jmcanos84 10 years ago

    The trophies unlock at the moment. I did that Mike cut his fingers and
    nothing… I dont know if is for my friend share your primary with me and
    this is the problem

  • Tyler Kidder 10 years ago

    This is a great video. Really shows the fastest way to get all trophies for
    people that already beat the game and want to be done.

  • LawinReborn 10 years ago

    If i already have the twins notebook from chapter 10, do I have to start a
    new game from the beginning or is it possible to just chapter select from
    episode 5 in order to kill Josh?

  • BillJr971 10 years ago

    will Josh die if I got all the collectibles and then go back and start
    killing off ? or do I got to start a new game with no collectibles at all

  • Jake Raine 10 years ago

    Is this game only on PS4?

  • Christopher McInerney 10 years ago

    How u get the don’t scare Jessica trophy

  • Just Epic 10 years ago

    if u kill every body and u got the collectables of the twins do josh
    survies, do u get the throphie?

  • Christopher McInerney 10 years ago

    Do u have to the prologue aswell to keep everyone alive trophy

  • Kronos Broadcast 10 years ago

    Can someone please explain it to me step by step cause i just started the
    game yesterday and looking forward to get the platinum trophy, how am i
    suppose to keep them alive if there’s a thousands of choices and all that

  • FleekyZak 10 years ago

    I can hack platinum trophies on PS4 for a price. Add my on PS4 for details:

  • bekonakin 10 years ago

    thank you man! I just got them all in 3 days! liked, and subscribed!

  • TheWhaleTerm 10 years ago

    If I use episode select to get things, do I have to finish the episode for
    the collectible to count?

  • Aliyar Zia 10 years ago

    If you collect all the collectibles, do they carry over to any playthrough
    of the game if you happen to go back to change the story?

  • RaweREVer 10 years ago

    Lol that ‘subscribe’ little pop up trophy at the beginning made me giggle

  • Kazunari Yamada (山田一成) 10 years ago

    What does new game do? Will it erase my collectible progresses?

  • Elizabeth Rock 10 years ago

    Can you still get instant inferno if you kill everyone just by using
    turning on the switch #Help

  • Aisling x 10 years ago

    Do choices not change through chapter select? I didn’t save Sam and I have
    most of the collectables do I have to start a new a game and them all

  • Jaycee Monroe 9 years ago

    Just got the plat today. Very happy about it 🙂 Great and awesome game!

  • Jeremiah Samora 9 years ago

    I need help with Ashley snaps I already shot her and Ashley didn’t open the
    door for Chris but I didn’t get it u waited all the why till I played as
    mike and I didn’t show up is it glitched??

  • Youri Kindt 9 years ago

    Can I still shoot Emily after getting the scream too trophy? (given the
    fact that Mike may not have enough fingers to shoot the gun)

  • ‫حسن كريم‬‎ 9 years ago

    dude if i wana Platinum i must end the game twice first one i collect
    everything and save them all and second one i must kill them all and i will
    not collect anything because i have them all from the first end right ?


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