Exact Song Locations & Video Guide for Traced and Disk Space Full
(Disk Space Full Trophy)
Watch Dogs has a total of 64 songs, 23 of which need to be unlocked in order to obtain the Disk Space Full trophy. These 23 songs are unlocked by hacking the phones of pedestrians, by using the SongSneak App within a building or near a car that is playing a song you have not obtained, or by completing certain story missions. Originally posted on Playstationtrophies.org and used with permission by the author, Sisren
Below is a detailed description of the possible locations of every song in the game.
1) The List
2) Story
3) SongSneak
4) Hacking
1) The List
41 songs are available from the beginning of the game. These songs appear in your Media App from the first moment you are able to use it, and DO NOT count towards the Disk Space Full trophy.
- Acrobat
- Awake
- Big Chomper, Big Chomper
- Blues Before Sunrise
- Break It Down
- Cold Night In Chicago
- Confidential Liar
- Dangerous Tonight
- Day By Day
- Day’N’Nite
- Devil’s Takin’ Names
- Diane Young
- Feds Watchin’ (Feat. Pharrell)
- Gas Station (Feat. Bun B)
- Gimme Danger (Remix)
- He Used To Be
- Help Is On The Way
- Howlin’ For My Darlin’
- I shall Not Be Moved
- Invincible
- Invisible Man
- Kick Me To The Curb
- Move On Up
- My Brain Hurts
- My Love Is Winter
- No Number
- Old Lock It Down
- One Mic
- Panic
- Private Eye
- Raydar
- Satellite
- Scott Free
- So Ambitious (GDM Remix)
- Soldier’s Requiem
- Sparklers
- Stolen From Some Great Writer
- The Good Life
- When I Grow Old
- Winter In Chicago
- Yes Machine
In addition, there are 23 songs which must be unlocked by various means within the game. These songs DO count towards the Disk Space Full trophy.
- Alarm Clocks
- Blvck And White (Feat. SRH)
- Bright Idea
- Cluj Napoca
- Conduction (Santiago & Bushido Remix)
- C.R.E.A.M.
- Dance
- Dark Steering
- Funeral Singers
- Going Down High
- High Class Slim Came Floatin’ In
- Jesus Built My Hot Rod
- Lost Boys
- Ms. Crumby
- My My My
- Never Again
- Out To Lunch (Feat. The Kid Daytona)
- Simplify
- Talk
- The Bottom
- Wake Up Sunshine
- Where The Sidewalk Ends
- You Burnt Me
These three songs unlock during the story (during the mission complete screens of their respective mission). It is possible (unconfirmed and unlikely) that you may also be able to unlock these songs by hacking the phones of pedestrians. These three songs DO count towards the Disk Space Full trophy.
Act 2, Mission 11 – C.R.E.A.M.
Act 3, Mission 7 – Jesus Built My Hot Rod
Act 4, Mission 4 – Conduction (Santiago & Bushido Remix)
17 songs can be obtained by using the SongSneak App within a building that is playing the song. Below is the most comprehensive list I can manage of where to hear certain songs within the game. It is also worth noting that all songs listed below can also be obtained by hack pedestrian’s phones.
NOTE: The playlist order each store uses is randomized every time you enter, but they will always play the songs listed below in one order or another. If the song you need is not playing when you walk in to a store, simply stand and wait for it to play. Do Not Press Square To Change Tracks. Doing so will only ever play a song you already have unlocked.

Alpha Brain by Onnit – Be a better gamer
NOTE 2: A song listed with a star ( * ) next to it’s name is needed for the trophy.
Brandon Docks
Bar (slot machine icon)
– Gimme Danger (Remix)
– Never Again *
– Simplify *
– You Burnt Me *
Coffee Shop (chess icon)
– Cluj Napoca *
– Funeral Singers *
Gun Shop (behind building)
– Blues Before Sunrise
– Kick Me To The Curb
– Howlin’ For My Darlin’
– Alarm Clocks *
– Dance *
– Gimme Danger (Remix)
– The Good Life
– My My My *
– Private Eye
The Loop
Clothing Store
– Acrobat
– Day’N’Nite
– Feds Watchin’ (Feat. Pharrell)
– Invincible
– Raydar
– Sparklers
Coffee Shop #1 (western chess icon)
– Cluj Napoca *
– Funeral Singers *
Coffee Shop #2/Coffee Shop #3 (central chess icon/southern chess icon)
– Simplify *
– Talk *
– Yes Machine
Gun Shop
– The Bottom *
– Never Again *
– Simplify *
Lounge (poker icon)
– Bright Idea *
– Cluj Napoca *
– High Class Slim Came Floatin’ In *
– Scott Free
Restaurant #1/Restaurant #2 (north/south)
– Diane Young
– Satellite
– Talk *
– Wake Up Sunshine *
Mad Mile
Bar (slot machine icon)
– Acrobat
– Going Down High *
– Raydar
– Satellite
– Sparklers
Clothing Store
– Acrobat
– Day’N’Nite
– Feds Watchin’ (Feat. Pharrell)
– Invincible
– Raydar
– Sparklers
Coffee Shop (western chess icon)
– Cluj Napoca *
– Funeral Singers *
Gun Shop
– The Bottom *
– Never Again *
– Simplify *
– Going Down High *
– He Used To Be
– Panic
– Invincible
Parker Square
Bar (slot machine icon)
– Alarm Clocks *
– Dance *
– Gimme Danger (Remix)
– The Good Life
– My My My *
– Private Eye
Basement (poker icon)
– Break It Down
– My My My *
– No Number
– Winter In Chicago
– Yes Machine
– You Burnt Me *
Coffee Shop (chess icon)
– Funeral Singers *
– Lost Boys *
– Panic
– So Ambitious (GDM Remix)
– Sparklers
– When I Grow Old
Clothing Store
– Awake
– Cold Night In Chicago
– He Used To Be
Gun Shop
– Cold Night In Chicago
– Dance *
– My Love Is Winter
– Winter In Chicago
Pawn Shop
– Dance *
– Move On Up
– Wake Up Sunshine *
– You Burnt Me*
Bar (drinking icon)
– Dangerous Tonight
– Gimme Danger (Remix)
– Kick Me To The Curb
– Never Again *
Gun Shop
– Gimme Danger (Remix)
– Never Again *
– Simplify *
– You Burnt Me *
Pawn Shop
– Blues Before Sunrise
– Howlin’ For My Darlin’
– No Number
– Yes Machine
– Winter In Chicago
– Awake
– Funeral Singers *
– Talk *
The Wards
Clothing Store
– Awake
– Cold Night In Chicago
– He Used To Be
Coffee Shop (chess icon)
– Awake
– Blues Before Sunrise
– Move On Up
– You Burnt Me *
Gun Shop/Pawn Shop
– Break It Down
– Day By Day
– Gas Station (Feat. Bun B)
– Old Lock It Down
– Out To Lunch (Feat. The Kid Daytona) *
– Where The Sidewalk Ends *
– Cold Night In Chicago
– Day’N’Nite
– Feds Watchin’ (Feat. Pharrell)
– Gas Station (Feat. Bun B)
The final three songs must be obtained by hacking pedestrian phones (or using SongSneak near a car that has the song blaring). They cannot be found in any building. You will know a pedestrian’s phone contains a song as the cursor will turn blue when targeting them, and their avatar will have a musical note on it. Unfortunately, this process is completely random, and since it is the last three songs, you are likely to profile hundreds of people before finally getting these songs.
– Blvck And White (Feat. SRH)
– Dark Steering
– Ms. Crumby
This guide was tested across multiple loads, multiple saves, multiple platforms, multiple completion percentages and multiple profiles. All information given is as accurate as is humanly possible.
CLOSING NOTE: You can also obtain any of the songs you would normally need to hack or search for at any of the newsstands around the city, but there are tons of newsstands, and cataloging all of them along with their playlists would take a lifetime. Still, if you are down to that last song you need to hack pedestrians for, it never hurts to try your luck.
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Originally posted on Playstationtrophies.org and used with permission by the author, Sisren
When you say they unlock via story do you mean that they unlock once you’ve completed that mission and are automatically added to your playlist or do you mean they’re unlocked in the sense that you’re now able to find them while roaming Chicago?
Automatically acquired through the story. You don’t have to go find them.
so i need one more and i have been doing what you guys did in the youtube video and i still cant get the last song. i have also profiled for a few hours on end trying to get it, help?
Which Song do you need?
bright idea
Just go to the Poker location in the Loop and wait in the room until it plays. It will eventually, but I remember that location has a really long instrumental you have to sit through if it comes on before Bright Idea.
thanks for the help!
Ive been searching for Blvck And White (Feat. SRH)for 3 days. Your list doesnt include it either. di you have any idea of the area its in
Same here. I’ve been around profiling not hundreds, but thousands of people in different areas, and all I seemed to found were components, money and stupid conversations. If this song is only hackeable, I have absolutely no idea what else to do.. I’ve got like 17 of the songs by hacking people, and now that I need only 1 more, no one seems to have music on their devices.
same problem
I found a pedestrian in mad mile underground near the lake that is parting mile and loop
I got it outside the starting motel. I did however get it in the beginning of the game if that makes a difference.
I find it in multiplayer after 10 min but i didn’t find it in single player
I actually found it last month…I quit playing it now
If u have the upgrades for hacking u can no longer get songs of people. I’ll explain below
I cant find Dark Steering to save my life.
Sheridan wave Club i found that song it a city hotspot try night i found it right by the train
OMG tank you so much you saved me, 4 days tryng to find this **** song.
The Sheridan Wave Club is located at a hotspot which is basically the most northeastern portion of the rail system.
I actually already had Dark Steering but still needed Lost Boys by Summer Girlfriends. After failing miserably for an hour or so I tried I found it within 1 minute at this location. Though it only worked at night.
I just ran up and down the sidewalk hacking everyone in site and sure enough I got the last song I needed. I’m thinking it may work for any final song.
EVERYONE who is looking for dark steering take this guys advice it works just keep running up nd down the street under the train track.
Where is this on the map?
The Sheridan Wave Club is located at a hotspot which is right near the most northeastern portion of the rail system.
I actually already had Dark Steering but still needed Lost Boys by Summer Girlfriends. After failing miserably for an hour or so I tried I found it within 1 minute at this location. Though it only worked at night.
I just ran up and down the sidewalk hacking everyone in site and sure enough I got the last song I needed. I’m thinking it may work for any final song. Good luck.
I found My last song the same way you did Hannah.
I cant find dark Steering ps4torphies help me plz
4 days tryng to find this song and nothing, maybe its a bug
Holy shit it worked! Thanks.
I want to thank you for this useful guide. Before this I was wondering around the city for hours. This saved me hours of headaches and stress. Thanks again man.
i can´t find Blvck And White (Feat. SRH) and Ms. Crumby. i have scanned so many persons but i can not find them. need help please
I find it in multiplayer after 10 min
Same problem. Went to multiplayer free from and got it in 5 minutes. After trying for about 4 hours in single player. wtf.
I CANNOT find Blvck And White (Feat. SRH) anywhere… profiling everyone i see… help plz?
I didn’t find it in story mod so i tried multiplayer 10 min playing so did i find it
I can’t find “Never Again”. And my game only lists 3 locations for Slot Machines, not 4. Where’s the unmarked slot machine?
So what do you do to get the song I can hear it playing, but it won’t unlock
Dark steering plz ,i try to find it for 2 days ,but i cant find it help !!!
Cant Find “Wake Up Sunshine” = ( help?
Act 3 have 6 missions after 5th is song but thanks a lot for help
I went through the list and I am missing one of the story related songs. The one from act 4 but I have beaten the game. Anyone else run into this problem?
Where can i get Simplify ?
I found both crumby and dark steering by the train in mad Mike good luck!
Is anyone playing on xbox one if so i could help, if you help me get my last one too, message me RaRobo.
Id love some help pls and to help as well
i can find bright idea
hi dear ^^
can u help me
and tell me where can i find the ( dance song ) i try many times to find at guns shop but i didnt find it 🙁
It’s not a playlist, it’s just a set list so it plays songs randomly that are in that list you see above
can u help and tell where can i find dance song
I’ve done this three times and it has worked each time… I restarted the game and when u are suppose 2 look 4 criminal activity just hack people instead… It took me an hour at most just walking up and down the street.. I only looked 4 the 3 song that have 2 b hacked and if I didn’t get them in 45 min I started the game over. Music is a lot more frequent at the beginning but after awhile and when u get more and more songs unlocked, it takes longer and this did work 4 me three straight times
Same thing with me. I think it has something to do with the hacking upgrades, a glitch or something. They stop showing up for me when I got the upgrades for more money
So you got all 3 just in that starting location? I’m really desperate but scared to lose all my progress :/
yeah, i unlocked a song about every time I was casually playing at the beginning. as i got to my final songs, it became more scarce and hard to find. right now i’m dying to get ms. crumby, because it’s the last song until I get platinum
to finding the last song blvck and White,,, remove konflict and online invasion, then i found it in 10 secunds….
I found my last song but it won’t unlock and I’ve double checked everything. Anyone help?
It won’t unlock on Song Sneak if that helps.
this does not tell me how to find Conduction (Santiago & Bushido Remix
nevermind -.-
I got tailed for the first time using this method! It’s weird how I was still doing this before and now it starts working… Well I can’t complain! Thanks!
Any Advice on Ms. Crumby? Anyone find it online, or hot spots like dark steering? Blvck and White I got really early stumbling onto a person. But dark steering and Ms Crumby have taken me 8 days so far…
I got dark steering near the sheridan wave club hotspot in the northeasternish end of mad mile. I’m still looking for Ms. Crumby though. ps4trophies did say that all 3 were there too, so I’m going to keep looking there
Where did you all find Ms Crumby???. I’ve searched for hours.
I didn’t get credit for C.R.E.A.M. when i completed Act II. Anyone find a way around this?
Im having trouble with my last soong ms cumby any advice pls
cant find
Blvck And White (Feat. SRH)
But where’s dark steering ?
I found Black and White at the north end of mad mile. So has this guy who gave us the locations. So much for random. I also got Mr. Crumby in the slums yeah a hot spot
damm, im so tired of searching the Blvck And White (Feat. SRH) :S
I already passed the north of mad mile for 3h and nothing :S
I sat in this lounge for an hour checking email and such then dropped my controller it drew my weapon but when I exited smartphone to press holster button it was asking me if I wanted to skip the song like my media player was playing! LOL hours I was playing my own songs waiting for one to come on that wasn’t there. turned it off last song I need, High Class Slim Came Floatin’ In came right on! Rock On Dudes and Dudettes!
I found blvck and white the same place he did (north end of mad mile)
I’ve searched for the song talk a full week then i looked at this guide went to the place it says and it was there! great guide keep it up
Cant find Blvck and White. This is crazy. This is ridiculous. Thanks Ubisoft.
It is not working for me. Every time If i go to the stores I get different songs then the ones that are listed here. How is that possible? And I am not tapping!
I’m having problem trying to find “High School Slim Came Floatin’ In” in the poker lounge by The Loop. It’s just a music player with the songs I already have and can’t find a civilian with the song. The last song I need for the trophy.
Holy shit this man is a fucking genius
Hail bryan
I have to test the technique of the club Sheridan during 4 days to find dark steering but I did not succeed I really need your help please.
I cant find Dark steering , Blvck and white . I’ve checked everywhere , followed the guide here… still nothing , its probably random but i need some help guys , any ideas ?
I cant find DARK STEERIND and BLVCK AND WHITE . I’ve checked and followed the guide here which is actually very accurate but unfortunately i cant find these last 2 , any ideas how i find ’em ?
Until mow I got 23 collected songs. I check title of my missing song. To do that I lunch media application and compare with songs list required to archieve trophy. Then I check where this song is played. Your tips (song playback location) gave me track where I can find Lost Boys song. Coffe shop in Parker Square was the right place. Thank you! Trophy achieved.
Where is the restaurant location in Brandon docks?? #ANNOYED >:(
i cant get
Out To Lunch (Feat. The Kid Daytona)
I found Ms. Crumby! It was blasting out of some truck and I got it. This was at the very end of the game with all upgrades, and it took about 15 tries. All the songs sounded the same when a car is blasting it’s bass, but it’s still a random draw.
Bright Idea does not play in the poker place in the loop. At all.
Thanks for this guide, I did it, now I got platinum and happy :3
Hey! I can’t find Blvck and White.even in online mode , I can not find the song . this is due to the upgrades ? I have to make a new game and try it there? I hope I still get the trophy .
thanks! just got my platinum trophy
Can someone add me UTSilentWOLF, i need the song Blvck and White last item im missing
Ive been profiling for 4 days now and gained over 100million in game from rich accounds =(
I finished the campaign already and still don’t have C.R.E.A.M. Do you know of anywhere else to find it?
Thank you sooo much i needed 2 songs and i did nice job
Not sure if anyone is still replying to this post or not but I can’t find High Class Slim Came Floatin’ In and don’t see the location listed in the article or comments at all. Any help would be great thanks!
Have you found it? If not i have the song so maybe you can join my session and use song sneak app.
Well I don’t see it anywhere, but I actually hacked npcs for songs, like Bright Idea and The Bottom. It is supposed to be only 3 songs hackable right? Anyways I had to delete my ps4 save file after looking for Dark Steering for over 4 hours. Also my Geolocated trophy was glitched as well, so right now im only missing this one.
I Just want to thank you. Awesome guide, I found my last song in minutes after reading here. Thank You!!!!
Npc songs are totally random sadly, just walk around place with many ppls, im also looking flr B&W lmao what a piece of shit xD
Where to find dance? Wherever i go, the somg already playing ends and then no other song starts. It doesnt cycle through. What to do?
This can’t be real, I am 100% sure I found you playing the game yesterday or the day before while doing the hacking/profiling option. After 6 years you haven’t found that song?